
  • 网络product structure design
  1. TPMS产品结构设计研究

    Research on product structure design of TPMS

  2. 面向装配的产品结构设计模糊评价方法与实现

    Fuzzy Evaluation and Implementation Techniques of Product Structure Design for Assembly

  3. 基于XML的CAPP产品结构设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of CAPP Product Structure Based on XML

  4. Pro/E与AutoCAD在机械产品结构设计中的功能比较

    The Function Compared in the Mechanical Structure Design Between Pro / E and AutoCAD

  5. 介绍了使用SolidWorks进行二次开发的关键技术,并对机械产品结构设计系统的建立方法进行了研讨;

    Introduced the key technology of secondary development with SolidWorks and researched how to build the systeme of machine product design .

  6. 将电子产品结构设计的一般要求和原则应用于TPMS产品结构设计,阐述TPMS产品结构设计的一般要领。

    This paper introduces the general methods of structure design of TPMS , according to applying the general demand and principle in structure design of electron product to structure design of TPMS .

  7. 重点从发射模块壳体的材料选择、发射模块的强度设计和结构可靠性试验等几个方面研究了TPMS产品结构设计,试图从结构设计上对该产品的设计理论与方法进行进一步完善。

    Otherwise , the article mostly explores structure design of TPMS basing on material selection of the shell of transmitter , intensity design of transmitter and reliability experimentation of structure , trying to perfect the theory and method of TPMS design in structure design .

  8. 基于原型的产品结构设计和信息模型

    Prototype - based product structure design and it 's information model

  9. 产品结构设计的重要性及影响因素探析

    Analysis of Importance of Structural Design and Its Influencing Factors

  10. 汽车轮毂用双列圆锥滚子轴承系列化产品结构设计

    Series Structure Design of Double Row Roller Automobile Hub Bearings

  11. 面向产品结构设计的图形置换技术

    A Graphics Substitution Approach to Product Structural Design

  12. 产品结构设计的数据模型

    The Data Model for Product Structure Design

  13. 精密的产品结构设计使控制器能在恶劣环境和广泛的温度下正常工作。

    Rigid design enables this product to function properly under harsh environments and extreme temperature .

  14. 分析了汽车仪表板按钮装饰盖的结构特点,针对该产品结构设计了双斜抽机构。

    The structural processability of the press button decorative cap on an automotive header board was analyzed .

  15. 同忻选煤厂精煤和中煤产品结构设计的优化及应用

    The optimization and application of product construction design of clean coal and middlings in Tongxin Coal Preparation Plant

  16. 功能模型与原理模型是客户需求到具体产品结构设计的桥梁。

    Function model and behavior model are the bridge , which connect customer requirement and detail product structure .

  17. 这些研究对于了解台式木工多用机床的动强度、优化产品结构设计具有一定意义。

    These results are useful for understanding dynamic strength of bench multi-purpose woodworking machine tool and improvement of designing structure .

  18. 介绍波纹管接头密封件的产品结构设计和生产模具的多腔结构设计。

    The Structure designing of bellow seal joint and it ′ s multiple cavity mold designing are introduced in this paper .

  19. 从双保险式液位开关的工作原理,浮子产品结构设计,模具设计,蒸汽发泡成型工艺等方面逐一进行介绍。

    The work principle of double insurance level switch , float design , mold design and steam foaming molding technology are introduced .

  20. 业务范围涵盖:外观造型设计、产品结构设计、手板制作、模具设计、模具加工及产品生产工作的全过程服务;

    Our services are including prototype designing , product structure designing , prototype producing , mold designing , mold processing and product manufacturing .

  21. 通过温度场分析,找出铸造热节,对产品结构设计不合理的区域进行改进。

    According to the analysis of the temperature field , the hot spots are found and the unreasonable regions in structure design of the product are improved .

  22. 本文介绍了新型轻薄复合保暖材料研制中的原料选用、产品结构设计、生产流程和性能测试的情况。

    The article briefly introduces selection of material , product structure design , production process , test of property of new light and thin composite warmth retention material .

  23. 介绍了刹车油箱液位传感器工作原理、浮子产品结构设计、模具设计、发泡材料用料、发泡成型工艺等方面内容。

    The liquid-position sensor working principle of brake-used oil tank , structural design of floater products , mold design , foam material as well as foam forming process are introduced .

  24. 在产品结构设计的概念设计阶段,具有一定工程意义的图形单元是工程师实现设计思想图形化的工程语言。

    During the conceptual phase in product structural design , the graph modular with specific engineering semantics is a powerful expressive tool for engineers to convert design intent to drawing .

  25. 因此,对龙羊峡旅游资源进行综合评价成为研究的首选,继而提出旅游发展的目标定位,并对旅游产品结构设计、功能分区、线路组织以及设施规划建设进行有益的探讨。

    A comprehensive evaluation of the tourist resources of longyang gorge helps orientate the aims of tourist development , design the structure of tourist products and plan tourist routes as well as tourist facilities .

  26. 在注射压缩成型过程中,影响制品质量性能的因素很多,如产品结构设计、模具设计、材料的结构性能以及工艺参数的设置等。

    During the injection compression molding process , there are many factors which can affect product quality performance , such as the product structure design , mold design , material performance and the combinations of process parameters .

  27. 阐述了开展绿色设计的重要意义,介绍了资源最佳利用原则、环境设计原则、产品结构设计原则、社会经济效益最佳原则以及绿色设计技术和方法的研究等。

    It is illustrated the importance of green design , introduced the principle of optimum utilization of resource , the principle of environmental design , the principle of social economic benefit and the principle of prodct structure design , etc.

  28. 基于Web异步加载的产品结构树设计及其软件实现

    Design and Realization of Web-based Asynchronous Loading Product Structure Tree

  29. 产品结构创新设计自动化理论及CAD系统构造

    Theory of Product Creative Design Automation and CAD Modeling

  30. 通过产品分子结构设计、配方工艺控制及应用研究,研制成功了HP混凝土高效减水剂。

    HP superplasticizer was developed through structure design , formulation control and application .