
  • 网络product quality supervision
  1. 专职产品质量监督、检验人员15人。

    Full-time product quality supervision , inspection staff of15 people .

  2. 本法可作为国内淀粉市场上产品质量监督的检测方法。

    This method can be used as product quality supervision of domestic starch market .

  3. 应用Excel自动生成产品质量监督检验报表

    Excel Application on Product Quality Inspection Report

  4. 已通过ISO9001质量体系认证,并经过中国质量技术权威上海锁具产品质量监督检验站检测合格。

    We have obtained ISO9001 Quality Certification and certificate of qualification from Shanghai Lock Inspection center which is the authority in calling .

  5. 谈谈加强化肥产品质量监督的看法

    View of how to Strengthen Supervisor for Chemical Fertilizer Quality

  6. 认真做好企业的产品质量监督检验工作

    Be Conscientious and Make a Good Job of Quality Control

  7. 聚合物产品质量监督检验方法及应用

    Quality Supervisory Test of Polymeric Products : Met hods & Their Application

  8. 信息产业部邮电工业产品质量监督检验中心

    Posts and Telecommunications Industry Products Quality Surveillance and Inspection Center of MII

  9. 国家计算机外部设备产品质量监督检测中心

    National Inspection and Test Center of External Equipment for Computers

  10. 扬州市农产品质量监督检测机构现状及发展对策

    Actuality Analysis and Countermeasure Study of Yangzhou 's Monitoring Organization for Agricultural Products

  11. GB/T15482-1995产品质量监督小总体计数一次抽样检验程序及抽样表

    Single sampling procedures and tables for product quality audit of small population by attributes

  12. 天津市产品质量监督检验所

    Tianjin Product Quality Supervision and Testing Institute

  13. 关于产品质量监督检验中几个问题的应用分析

    Product Quality Supervision and Inspection on Several Issues in the Application of Analysis of Products

  14. 产品质量监督行政执法作为我国政府职能重要的组成部分。

    Administrative enforcement of product quality supervision is an important component of our government functions .

  15. 宁夏产品质量监督检验所管理体系改进设计研究

    Research on Improving Design for the Management System of Ningxia Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute

  16. 超五类数据线缆通过信息部有线通信产品质量监督检验中心检验。

    Cat5E data cables have passed the testing by Quality Supervision Center of Ministey of Information Industry .

  17. 抽样检验是我国现行的产品质量监督制度的主要方式。

    The test sample of the product quality of Chinese current system for the main form of supervision .

  18. 应该对润滑油的生产和经营实行许可制度,加大市场产品质量监督力度。

    The license system should be adopted for the production and marketing of lubricants so as to enhance product quality .

  19. 监督抽查工作由国务院产品质量监督部门规划和组织。

    The supervision by random inspection shall be planned and organized by the product quality supervisory department of the State Council .

  20. 认为可用于产品质量监督和缫丝工艺设计预控。

    The author believes that the model can be used for quality control of products and predetermination of silk reeling process .

  21. 我国从80年代就建立了产品质量监督抽查机制,机制运行20多年来,对推动质监事业的快速发展等多个方面起到了至关重要的作用。

    Our supervision and spot-check mechanism was established in the mid-1980s and have been playing an important role in our quality supervision business .

  22. 经电子工业部、信息产业部防静电产品质量监督检验中心检测均获一流产品。

    After the Ministry of Electronics Industry , the information industrial department against static electricity product quality surveillance test center examination attains the first-class product .

  23. 可燃气体探测器性能检验装置在对可燃气体探测器的行业监督检验中发挥着重要的作用。在消防电子产品质量监督检验工作中也具有举足轻重的地位。

    Performance testing device of the combustible gas detector plays a very important role both in the industrial supervision and electronic fire products quality supervision .

  24. 本论文研究内容是国家排灌及节水设备产品质量监督检验中心检测技术项目的一个测试系统。

    This task is a test system of inspection technique item of " National Center for Supervision Inspection of Drainage Irrigation Water-Saving Equipment Products Quality " .

  25. 其中,上海市水产品质量监督检验站是委托法人单位,业务上受上海市质量技术监督局指导。

    Shanghai Aquatic Product Supervision & Testing Station has no independent legal-person qualification and whose work is directed by Shanghai Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision .

  26. 叶平,台州市产品质量监督检验所副所长表示,塑胶跑道中的有害物质或将导致疾病。

    Ye Ping , deputy director of Taizhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute , said harmful elements in plastic running tracks may result in diseases .

  27. 介绍了国家棉纺织产品质量监督检验中心于2001年4月对全国部分土工合成材料生产企业的产品进行抽查检验的情况。

    In April of 2001 , the National Quality Supervision & Inspection Center of Cotton Textiles conducted an examination on the products of some selected domestic geo-textiles producers .

  28. 县级以上地方产品质量监督部门主管本行政区域内的产品质量监督工作。

    Local departments for supervision over product quality at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision over product quality within their respective administrative regions .

  29. 1996年开展的国家、行业、地方产品质量监督检查的结果表明,我国产品质量在总体上继续保持稳中有升的态势。

    The results of supervision and examination to products quality which were made by the state , trades and localities in 1996 show that our country 's total products quality is still rising steadily .

  30. 结合美国、日本发达国家产品质量监督的经验,提出改进产品质量的建议,促进乌鲁木齐市制造业产品质量的稳步提高。

    With supervision experience of developed countries like Japanese and the United States , it puts forward suggestions for the steadily improvement of quality products and to promote product quality of Urumqi city manufacturing industry .