
  • 网络Capacity transfer;capacity relocation
  1. •根据观察,我们认为苹果已将显示屏部分产能转移至夏普(Sharp),后者已成为苹果主要的面板供应商。

    • we believe Apple has shifted display production and that sharp has now become a large panel supplier , based on our checks .

  2. 为了解决这些问题,通用向萨博安插了美国管理人员,将一些产能转移到了德国,零部件则采取了向欧宝(Opel)采购或共同生产等方法。

    GM tried to ameliorate its problems by installing American managers , moving some production to Germany , and integrating its parts buying and engineering with Opel .

  3. 该集团6月份透露,有意把更多产能转移到亚洲,宣布了在印度生产一种新款中型发动机的计划。

    The group signalled its willingness to move more production to Asia in June with the announcement of plans to build a new medium-duty engine in India .

  4. 2008年金融危机冲击出口订单时,富士康停止了在深圳的招聘,并表示将利用危机,将产能转移至成本更低的地点。

    When the financial crisis hit export orders in 2008 , Foxconn stopped hiring in Shenzhen and said it would use the crisis to shift capacity to cheaper locations .

  5. 一项针对制造商展开的调查显示,在中国的出口基地珠江三角洲地区,大约三分之一的制造商计划将生产产能转移至国内劳动力成本更为低廉的地区或者东南亚、孟加拉国、印度和斯里兰卡地区。

    Just over one-third of the manufacturers in China 's Pearl River delta - the country 's export powerhouse - plan to shift production capacity to cheaper locations within the country or to bases in southeast Asia , Bangladesh , India and Sri Lanka , a survey of manufacturers shows .

  6. 中国过剩产能向东盟转移的战略研究

    Strategies Study on Overproduction Shift to South East Asian Nations from China

  7. 一方面我们应加强中国-东盟经济合作,依托东盟国家资源优势,加强过剩产能向东盟的转移,加大对东盟制造业的投资,利用东盟的充足的资源。

    On one hand , we should strengthen the China-ASEAN economic cooperation to strengthen transfer of excess capacity to the ASEAN and investment in manufacturing in ASEAN .

  8. 最后,针对我国目前产能过剩的形势,结合对过剩产能向东盟转移理论与实证的研究上,就如何帮助过剩产能向东盟转移提出了四条政策建议。

    Finally , pointing to the current situation , this essay raised four policy suggestions on how to shift overproduction to South East Asian Nations , which was combined with the theory and case study of shifting overproduction to South East Asian Nations .