
  1. 试用期间的产品瑕疵责任

    On the responsibility of blemish trial products

  2. 产品瑕疵担保责任问题研究

    Guarantee Liability Study of the Defect in a Product

  3. 产品瑕疵担保责任与产品责任的区别

    Differences between product flaw guarantee responsibility and product responsibility

  4. 进而对我国立法上与产品责任有关的产品质量责任、产品瑕疵担保责任进行了比较,指出它们之间的区别。

    Then based thereupon points out the differences between the product liability , the product quality liability and the product flaw warranty liability through comparison .

  5. 也从而知道,笔者所要研究的产品质量民事责任包括产品责任和产品质量瑕疵责任两个方面。

    Also come to know , I have to look at product quality and civil liability , including product liability and product quality defects liability two ways .