
chuán bó pènɡ zhuànɡ
  • collision
  1. 笔者将人工神经网络的BP学习算法用于船舶碰撞危险评价的研究,试图用神经网络的BP算法代替模糊推理系统。

    Authors use back propagation learning algorithm of neural network to make assessment of ship collision risk .

  2. 船舶碰撞(CollisionbetweenVessels)是指海上运输中发生的非正常事件,直接威胁海上运输的安全。

    Collision between Vessels is not an normal affairs to sea transport , which directly threatens to the safety of sea transport .

  3. 基于AHP分析法的船舶碰撞事故法律责任划分

    Judgment of Legal Responsibilities for Ship-Collision Accident Based on AHP

  4. 基于AHP模糊综合评价在船舶碰撞事故责任划分中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Integrate Evaluation in Ship Collided Accident Responsibility Measure Based on AHP

  5. AIS信息解析在船舶碰撞案例分析中的应用

    Application of AIS information analysis in ship collision cases

  6. 根据LNG船舶碰撞和搁浅事故产生的破洞,得到LNG船舶泄漏造成人员伤亡的概率。

    The casualty probability is arrived according to the leakage hole caused by the collision and grounding accident .

  7. AIS在船舶碰撞事故调查中的应用海上船舶碰撞事故原因探讨&疲劳的剖析

    Application of AIS on Collision Accident Investigation ; A Study of Ship Collision Accident Causes at Sea-Analysis of Fatigue

  8. 远洋运输中可能发生的灾害性事故,如船舶碰撞、搁浅、腐蚀疲劳破坏、火灾、爆炸等,大多与人为失误和组织失误(HOE)有关。

    During ocean shipping , most accidents , for example , collision and grounding , corrosion and fatigue failure , fire and explosion , are caused by Human and Organization Errors ( HOE ) .

  9. 基于模糊理论建立船舶碰撞危险度的数学模型,分析隶属函数中的关键参数会遇安全距离(SDA)和最晚点避让两船间距(DLA)。

    Based on fuzzy theory , a mathematical model that used to determine the risk-degree of collision between ships was built , and the key parameter SDA and DLA in the function was analysed .

  10. 此文在介绍船舶碰撞事故分析和VDR作用的基础上,根据AIS所记录船舶数据的特点,提出了利用VDR记录AIS数据的建议,并对此可行性进行了分析研究。

    This paper , on the basis of the current analysis of ship collision and the role of VDR , ad-vances the advice of the AIS data should be recorded in VDR according to the characteristics of AIS data , and the availability also be researched .

  11. 以船舶碰撞为例,采用简化的RMFC模型,然后通过SESAM软件计算水动力系数,将其代入多刚体运动微分方程后用数值方法求解,研究冲击载荷对连接器载荷的影响。

    Then the hydrodynamic coefficient is taken into multi-body motion differential equation , and this equation is solved with numerical methods to study the influence of impact load on the connector load .

  12. 基于模拟器的宽水域船舶碰撞危险性评价模型

    The Evaluation of Collision Risk in Wide Waters based on Simulator

  13. 船舶碰撞案件中举证问题研究

    Research on the Matter of Adducing Proof in Ship Collision Case

  14. 计算机模拟航迹在船舶碰撞分析中的应用研究

    An Applied Research on Computer Simulated Trace for Ship Collision Analysis

  15. 船舶碰撞驾驶过失的要素分析法

    The Factor-analysis Approach in Collision of Ships Caused by Steering Fault

  16. 船舶碰撞和搁浅后剩余强度可靠性评估

    The Reliability Assessment of Ship Residual Strength after Collision and Grounding

  17. 台湾海峡船舶碰撞事故分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on the Maritime Collision Accidents of Taiwan Straits

  18. 海上船舶碰撞事故原因探讨&疲劳的剖析

    A Study of Ship Collision Accident Causes at Sea-Analysis of Fatigue

  19. 论确定船舶碰撞过失的一般原则和特殊原则

    General and Specific Rules for Determining Faults in Ships ' Collision

  20. 基于船舶碰撞海事分析的航迹模拟系统

    Ship 's Track Simulation System Based on Collision Accident Analysis

  21. 能见度不良时宽阔水域中船舶碰撞及其预防

    Vessel 's collisions and preventive measures in broad areas in restricted visibility

  22. 基于改进的神经网络的船舶碰撞危险度的模型

    An Improved Neural Network Based Model of Collision Risk Index

  23. 试论船舶碰撞中的法律适用问题

    On the Applicability of Laws to Collision Cases at Sea

  24. 对船舶碰撞力在排架上的分配进行了讨论。

    The distribution of the collusion force on the bents is discussed .

  25. 研究了船舶碰撞原因以及船舶碰撞过程。

    Study the reason and the procedure of ship collision .

  26. 论确定船舶碰撞过失与损害事实因果关系的原则

    The rule of determing the causality between Collision Faults and Damage Facts

  27. 基于自适应模糊系统的船舶碰撞危险评判

    Risk Assessment of Ship Collision Based on Adaptive Fuzzy System

  28. 船舶碰撞损害赔偿的基本原则。

    Basic principle for liability for damage by ship collision ;

  29. 海上船舶碰撞搁浅危险监管方法的研究

    Research on Supervision Methods of Vessel Collision , Grounding Risks at Sea

  30. 在船舶碰撞中,船艏是主要作用方。

    Ship bow is the main action part during ship collision process .