
  • 网络Ship funds
  1. 最后运用具体的案例对中小型航运企业船舶投资基金进行分析。

    Then the study uses the case to explain how to apply the shipping funds .

  2. 船舶油污基金呼之欲出&我国将建立符合中国国情的船舶油污损害赔偿制度

    Ships oil pollution fund is coining into being & China will establish the compensation system suitable for the country 's situation for damage caused by ships oil pollution

  3. 中国船舶产业投资基金运行机制研究

    Study on Development of China 's Shipbuilding Industrial Investment Fund

  4. 笔者就国内基金制度提出了自己一些看法,例如经过长期发展以后基金的性质应该定义为信托基金,需对《船舶油污损害赔偿基金征收和使用管理办法》中的一些规定进行修正等。

    The writer puts forward her own views about the domestic fund system , for example , after a prolonged development the fund should be defined as trust fund , the amendments of some details in the provisions about fund , etc.