
  1. 本文就保险投资基金这一保险投资的重要形式进行了探讨。

    The point of this article is to discuss the Insurance Investment Fund .

  2. 中国保险投资基金研究

    Study on Insurance Investment Fund In China

  3. 浅谈设立保险投资基金的构想

    Plan for Insurance Investment Funds

  4. 大力发展保险投资基金的品种:市政债券基金、基础设施债券基金、教育投资基金、海外证券投资基金。

    Developing such varieties of the insurance investment funds : Municipal Bond Fund , Infrastructure Bond Fund , Educational Investment Fund , Overseas Security Investment Fund , Secured Loan Fund .

  5. 现代投资组合理论的核心部分在于风险&收益,所以本文又详细分析了保险投资基金的收益和风险。

    The key part of the Modern Portfolio Theory lies in the risk & income , so this thesis has analysed the incomes and risks of the insurance investment funds in detail .

  6. 本文重点在于应用现代投资组合理论设立保险投资基金,以此拓宽保险资金运用的渠道,提高保险资金的收益和降低风险;

    The emphasis of this dissertation lies in using the Modern Portfolio Theory to set up Insurance Investment Funds , so as to widen the channels of insurance fund application , raise the income of the insurance fund and reduce the risk ;

  7. 先买份保险在投资基金但都要在专业人士的指导下。

    Preemptive portion insurance is investing fund but should be below the guidance of professional personage .

  8. 在多数公司中,是举行多数投票,来表决大额的退休金、保险和投资基金。

    In most companies it is the large pension , insurance and investment funds that hold most of the votes .

  9. 然后将投资连接保险与证券投资基金加以比较。从投资与风险、保障、税赋与费用三方面比较各自的特点。

    The part 3 compares the ILI with the common trust fund through three respects : Investment and risk , ensure , tax and expenses .

  10. 价值数十亿美元的次级房贷被融入复杂的证券,然后世界各银行、保险公司和投资基金买进。

    Billions of dollars worth of those mortgages had been packaged into complex securities that the world 's banks , insurance companies and investment funds had bought .

  11. 20世纪80年代以来,以养老基金、保险基金、投资基金为主体的机构投资者的崛起,引导着国际证券市场投资主体机构化的深刻革命。

    From 1980 's , the sustained rise of institutional investors mainly of Investment Funds , Pension Funds and Insurance Funds have brought about the deep revolutions in the international securities markets .

  12. 通过对国际资本市场上养老基金、保险基金、投资基金三大基金的比较,探讨了我国目前三大基金与资本市场的关系及发展前景。

    Through comparation of three funds & pension funds , insurance funds and investment funds in international capital market , this paper probes into the relation between the three funds and capital market at the present time in China and the developing prospect of the three funds .

  13. 过去两年,随着监管部门改变了规定,允许机构投资者包括政府机构、养老基金和保险公司投资私人股本基金,可融本土资本大幅增加。

    And over the past two years , the pool of local capital available has increased sharply as regulators changed rules to allow institutional investors – including government institutions , pension funds , insurance companies – to invest in PE funds .

  14. 根据我国保险市场的现状,探讨建立保险投资基金的必要性及可行性,提出建立保险投资基金的具体构想,分析保险投资基金的操作策略与技巧以及对其的业务管理。

    It is discussed , in the article , the necessity and feasibility of establishing the insurance investment funds on the basis of our insurance market actuality . The conception of establishing the insurance investment funds is proposed . Meanwhile ;