
  1. 对个人保险代理制度的思考

    Thought on the agent system of individual insurance

  2. 发达国家普遍采用保险代理制度,国外成熟的保险市场主要由保险公司、保险代理人、保险经纪人、保险公估公司共同组成。

    Developed countries widely used system of insurance agent ; Foreign mature insurance market is mainly composed of the insurance company , insurance agent and insurance broker , insurance assessment companies together .

  3. 本文意在通过对保险代理制度的阐释和分析,对保险代理的特征和本质进行探究,以期对保险代理制度理论和保险代理实践有所帮助,进一步完善保险代理制度体系。

    In this paper the author , through interpreting and analyzing the insurance agency system , studies the features and nature of the insurance agency , in order to improve the insurance agency system both in the theory and practice .

  4. 因此,全面系统地探讨与研究保险代理制度,对规范保险代理行为,保护投保人、保险人的合法利益具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。

    Therefore , we should discuss and research the rules of insurance agency , which has very important theoretical value and reality meaning in many aspects , such as standardizing the acts of insurance agency , and protecting the legal interests of the insured and insurers .

  5. 目前,我国的保险代理制度还存在着许多不完善之处,尤其是保险代理人违规代理现象十分严重,这不仅侵害投保人和保险人的合法利益,而且严重制约着保险业的发展。

    At present , the rules of insurance agency still need to be improved , especially the insurance agents ' disobey of the agency . It is not only harmful to the legal interests of the insurer and insured , but also a limit to insurance 's development .

  6. 保险表见代理制度研究

    Study on the System of Insurance Apparent Agency

  7. 在保险业迅速发展的今天,保险代理制度在保险市场已经成为不可或缺的一部分,保险个人代理人制度更是成为寿险业营销的主要渠道,显示出了强劲的发展势头。

    Today , with the rapid development of the insurance industry , the insurance agency system in life insurance market has become an indispensable part , the individual insurance agent system is also becoming the main channel of life insurance marketing , showing a strong momentum of development .

  8. 为了保障保险市场各主体尤其是保险代理人的利益,促进保险业健康发展,必须改革保险代理制度,对保险代理人的法律地位重新定位。

    In order to protect the insurance market , in particular , the interests of the insurance agents and to promote the healthy development of the insurance industry , the insurance agency system must be reformed . The legal status of insurance agents must be re-positioned .

  9. 保险公司为了在激烈的市场竞争中广泛开展业务,常采用代理人形式来拓展市场。自从我国实行保险代理制度以来,代理人就成为我国保险市场中一支不可缺少的力量。

    Insurance companies always adopt agent system in order to expand business in intensive market competition , therefore agent has become an indispensable force in domestic insurance market since agent system was implemented in China .