
  1. 但是面对上百家保险公司,数以千计的保险产品,让保险需求者无所适从,同时也为保险营销人员带来极大的竞争压力。

    But with hundreds of insurance company , thousands of insurance products , let the insurance purchaser , also for insurance vexing marketing personnel brings great pressure of competition .

  2. 商业保险经营的负债性、长期性以及社会影响的广泛性,决定了作为债权主体以及保险产品需求者的保单持有人与保险公司经营具有内在的利益关系。

    Commercial insurance operation has the characteristics of liabilities , long-term period and extensive influence on society , which decides the inner relation between insurance operation and policyholders who are both the creditors and the consumers of insurer .

  3. 保险服务是保险产品开发、生产、销售和消费的一系列行为和过程,它是保险供给者向保险需求者提供的各种有形和无形要素的集合。

    Insurance service is a series of behavior and process of insurance product ( development , produce , sell , consuming ) . It is insurance supplier that offers to safe demand the set of various visible and invisible essential factors .