
  • 网络agent;Insurance Agent;Insurance Agency
  1. 通过接收一个事件和几个工作项目作为负载,保险代理可以从ECM步骤完成小部件获取所有需要的业务信息。

    An insurance agent can obtain all the needed business information from the ECM step completion widget by receiving an event and work items as payload .

  2. 雅克是Roc机器人公司的保险代理,他受雇调查一宗人为操控机器人的案,而在整个搜集证据和调查的过程中,他的发现将会彻底的影响到人类的未来。

    Jacq is an insurance agent for Roc robotic company . He was hired to survey a manipulation robot case , but in the whole process of collecting and investing evidences , he found that the consequence will influence the future of mankind .

  3. 保险代理公司信用评级的特殊性保险代理公司有区别于其他金融机构的特性,相对的,对其进行信用评级也要体现出这些特殊性。Agent的体系结构

    The credit rating system also helps select the agent . The Architectures of Agent

  4. 基于业务流程的SOA架构研究及其在保险代理中实现

    Research on the SOA in Business Processes and Its Achievement in the Insurance Agents

  5. 然后通过市场调查和运用SWOT分析的方法,确定了上海合泰保险代理公司的目标市场。

    Then we investigate the market and analyze the SWOT of the company , it is also necessary process to select the target market .

  6. 论保险代理型常设机构的确定规则&《联合国范本》与《OECD范本》的比较研究

    Lacking Credit of China 's Security Agency and its Countermeasures On the Certain Regulations of A Permanent Establishment of Insurance Agency Model

  7. 以可转让形式的保单或其证明,空白背书,投一切险,以cif价值的110%投保,注明由德国的保险代理进行调查及索赔。

    Insurance policy or certificate in assignable form and blank endorsed , covering all risks , for110 percent of cif-value , marked-premium agent in Germany responsible for survey and claim settlement .

  8. 在保险代理项目中根据SOA的设计思想、方法及应用模型,对保险代理公司与保险公司、银行、通信等相关企业之间的业务交互部分采用了SOA架构的解决方案。

    SOA solution architecture is applied in interactive part of the business of insurance agents , insurance companies , banks , communications companies and so on in accordance with the thinking design , methods and models of application of SOA in project of insurance agents .

  9. 本文以M-H模型、模糊数学及优化理论为工具,对保险代理中的个人代理的薪酬激励机制进行了一些探索,并用上海市2003年的相关数据进行验证,取得了预期的结果。

    In this thesis M-H Model , fuzzy mathematics and the optimal theory are used as tools to study the system of compensation incentives on individual insurance agency . We utilize pertinent data in Shanghai in 2003 to test the work , and obtain prospective results .

  10. 保险代理机构和经纪行为保险公司销售保险单。

    Insurance agencies and brokerages sell insurance policies for the carriers .

  11. 基于保险代理信息融合的模糊系统研究

    Research of Fuzzy System Based on Fuse of Insure Agent Information

  12. 论文分析了现有国内的保险代理系统。

    This paper analyzes the existing domestic insurance agent system .

  13. 保险代理激励机制:一个长期模型

    The Incentive Mechanism of Insurance Agent : A Long-term Model

  14. 保险代理询问我平日用车的频率。

    The agent asked me how much driving I do .

  15. 至此,我国保险代理机构出现了井喷式的增长。

    From then , the insurance agency appeared rapid growth .

  16. 你是指保险代理这种?

    You mean , like , insurance agent ? Like ...

  17. 效率工资与保险代理问题

    Issues Regarding " Efficiency-Related Wages " and Insurance Agent

  18. 保险代理业务数据仓库的分析与设计

    The design and implement of the insurance agency based on the data warehouse

  19. 发展保险代理公司业务是保险公司的必然选择

    Developing Agency Business , an Inevitable Choice of Insurers

  20. 上海合泰保险代理公司保险超市营销模式的研究

    The Research of " Insurance Supermarket " for Shanghai Hercules Insurance Agency Company

  21. 并由你所在处的保险代理出具检验报告。

    Supported by a survey report , with the insurance agents at your end .

  22. 湖南保险代理公司业务转型趋势及风险探析

    The business transformation trend for insurance agency firms in Hunan province and related risks

  23. 对个人保险代理制度的思考

    Thought on the agent system of individual insurance

  24. 我国专业保险代理机构市场需求影响因素实证分析

    An exponential analysis of factors impacting market demands of specialized insurance agencies in China

  25. 第三部分主要是引入事件树分析方法,认定保险代理公司面临的主要风险因素。

    Part ⅲ identifies the main risks in insurance agent companies with Event Tree Method .

  26. 保险代理行为研究

    On Behavior of Insurance Agency

  27. 与此同时,车险的销售却带给包括汽车销售商等众多保险代理机构十分可观的手续费收入。

    Meanwhile , the automobile insurance marketing brings wonderful commissions to plenty of agent organizations including automobile marketing business .

  28. 经营人寿保险代理业务的保险代理人,不得同时接受两个以上保险人的委托。

    Agents of insurance companies engaged in insurance of persons shall not accept delegation from more than one insurer concurrently .

  29. 所以,本文把研究上海合泰保险代理公司保险超市的营销模式作为主要写作内容。

    So the article tries to study the marketing mode of Shanghai Hercules Insurance Agency Company as the main content .

  30. 国家工商行政管理局负责下列公司的登记:保险代理登记委员会

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce is responsible for registrations of the following companies : Insurance Agents Registration Board