
  • 网络actuarial studies;actuary;actuarial
  1. 属于或关于保险精算师工作的。

    Of or relating to the work of an actuary .

  2. 保险精算师高居榜首,他们是分析财务风险方面的专业人员。

    That would be an actuary , the people who specialize in financial risk .

  3. 本文首先对Pareto分布的发展作了简单的介绍,并介绍了Pareto分布族在经济学、社会学、环境学、保险精算学中的广泛应用。

    This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it 's application in Economics , Sociology , Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics .

  4. 指数O-U过程下保证险的保险精算定价

    Pricing Mortgage Insurance under O-U Process

  5. 假设未偿付额为常数且房产价格服从指数O-U过程。得到了两类保证险的鞅定价公式和保险精算定价公式;

    Obtain the martingale pricing formulas and the insurance actuary pricing formulas to two kinds of mortgage insurance , and also prove that the insurance actuary pricing are arbitrage when the unpaid money is a constant and the house price is driven by 0-U process .

  6. 保险精算中双损失环境的独立性问题

    A Discussion on an Actuarial Theory about the Double Decrement Environment

  7. 我刚裁掉了三个保险精算师。

    I just had to lay off three of my actuaries .

  8. 跳-扩散模型下外汇期权的保险精算定价

    Actuarial Price of Foreign Currency Driven by Jump-diffusion Stochastic Process

  9. 贝叶斯方法在保险精算中的应用综述

    Surveys on the Application of Bayesian Method on Actuarial Study

  10. 当然,保险精算师们靠的是概率。

    The actuaries , of course , relied on probability .

  11. 在英国,则大部分最初是会计师或保险精算师。

    In Britain , most started as accountants or actuaries .

  12. 外汇期权定价的新方法&保险精算方法

    New Method to Option Pricing on Foreign currency-An Actuarial Approach

  13. 住房抵押贷款偿还保险精算模型研究

    A Study on Actuary of Housing Mortgage Loans Insurance

  14. 关于《保险精算学》的几个问题

    Several Questions about the Actuarial Science of Insurance

  15. 养老保险精算分析与风险管理研究

    Pension Insurance Actuarial Analysis and Risk Management Research

  16. 保险精算中的一个破产模型的改进

    Improvement to a ruin model in insurance actuarial

  17. 养老保险精算模型研究

    A Research on Actuarial Models of Pension System

  18. 机动车辆保险精算与风险控制研究

    The Study of Automobile Actuarial and Risk Control

  19. 保险精算学与保险经济学中保险产品定价之比较

    Pricing Comparison of Insurance Products between Actuarial Science of Insurance and Economics of Insurance

  20. 脆弱条件下的死亡人寿保险精算模型

    Actuarial models of lifetime insurance under frailty condition

  21. 保险精算中的一个随机模型

    A stochastic model for Insurance Actuarial Science

  22. 在第5章,首先建立了一种家庭联合保险精算模型。

    In chapter 5 , a new insurance program called family untied insurance is proposed .

  23. 保险精算理论及应用研究

    Studies on Insurance Actuarial Theory and Applications

  24. 短期个别风险模型是保险精算中最为基础的一个风险模型。

    Individual risk model is one of the most basic risk models in Actuarial theory .

  25. 收益力服从维纳过程的社会养老保险精算模型

    An Actuarial Model of Society Endowment Insurance under the Return Force Obeying the Wiener Process

  26. 亚式期权的保险精算定价

    An actuarial approach to Asian option pricing

  27. 人寿保险精算准备金

    Actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance

  28. 在单位信用方法之下,积累债务被定义为积累退休利益的保险精算现值。

    Under the Unit Credit Method , the Accrued Liability was defined as the actuarial present .

  29. 保险精算的信息熵方法

    Information Entropy Method in Actuarial Science

  30. 这些人在信息技术领域富有才干,也有的会成为会计师、保险精算师和工程师。

    These are the people who become talented in IT or as accountants , actuaries and engineers .