
  1. 因为保险合同关系本身就涉及投保人、受益人、被保险人等众多关系人,并非所有的人都可以成为保单质押的出质人。

    Because the insurance contract itself is related to the insured , the beneficiaries and it also involve many other people , but not everyone can set the policy loans .

  2. 另一方面,对于受益人身份是否应予以限制的问题,考虑到风险管控等因素,笔者在文中表明指定的受益人应限于与被保险人有保险利益关系的人。

    On the other hand , as to whether the beneficiary should be limited to specified identities , the writer , considering the importance of risk control , indicates that the beneficiary should be limited to the group of people who has insurable interest relationship with the insured .

  3. 文章从责任保险的一般理论出发,阐释了责任保险的当事人和关系人、责任保险与民事责任制度等基本问题。

    Such basic issues as the parties and interested parties to liability insurance , liability insurance and the system of civil liability are under discussion on the basis of the general theory .

  4. 诚实信用原则在保险法中的适用主要表现为保险合同当事人、保险合同工关系人、保险合同辅助人的诚实信用义务。

    Its application is mainly the good faith obligations of each party .