
  • 网络Insurance brokers
  1. 在亚太地区,保险经纪公司上市尚属罕见。

    Flotations of insurance brokers in Asia Pacific are rare .

  2. 达信目前将与中国的大约300家保险经纪公司展开竞争,包括韦莱集团控股公司(willisgroupholdings)等许多全球竞争对手成立的合资公司。

    Marsh will now be competing with about 300 insurance brokers in China , including joint ventures involving a number of global rivals such as Willis Group Holdings .

  3. 一些代表团成员表示,白乐威在亚洲国家是个给人印象特别深刻的行家,因为他在金融城保险经纪公司塞奇维克(Sedgwick)工作的时候,曾先后在东京、北京和孟买筹建办事处。

    Brewer is a particularly effective operator in Asian countries , say several members of the delegation , because he opened the Tokyo , Beijing and Mumbai offices of Sedgwick , the City insurance broker .

  4. 因此,当跨国保险经纪公司进军中国市场时,必将带来巨大冲击。

    Therefore , While the multinational insurance brokerage firm enter the Chinese market , they will bring a huge impact .

  5. 一家中国保险经纪公司将成为中国首家在美国上市此类公司。中国内地公司正利用资本市场为扩张融资。

    A Chinese insurance broker is set to become the first of its kind to list on the US stockmarket , as mainland companies tap capital markets to fund expansion .

  6. 本文通过设计和开发一款适合我国保险经纪公司运营管理模式的信息系统,来探索保险经纪业务信息化建设的最佳方案。

    In this paper , I try to explore the best solution for the information construction of insurance brokerage business by designing and developing a insurance brokerage management information system .

  7. 早在一百多年以前,国外保险经纪公司就已出现,并且很早就在国际保险市场上发挥了重要的作用。

    Foreign insurance broking emerged tens years even over a hundred years ago , and foreign insurance brokers has early played an important role in many countries of Europe and America .

  8. 财产保险经纪公司是近些年逐渐发展起来的一个新兴行业,在工作实践中,有不少经纪公司缺少适合的核心业务系统支撑其业务处理和管理。

    Property insurance brokerage company is in recent years gradually developed an emerging industry , in the work in practice , there are many property insurance brokerage company lacking appropriate core business system .

  9. 与此同时,由于起步晚、基础差,我国各保险经纪公司也都面临着各种严峻的挑战,生存状况不容乐观。

    Meanwhile , insurance brokerage institutions have been faced with all kinds of severe challenge as a result of the late beginning and very disappointing foundation , and their existent status is a little bad .

  10. 保险经纪公司还可以为渔业互保组织设计一些新的转移海水养殖灾害风险的金融工具,为解决海水养殖保险提供了新的思路。

    Insurance brokerage firms can also design new financial instruments for fishery mutual insurance organizations to transfer the marine aquaculture disaster risk , accordingly provide a new way of thinking to address the marine aquaculture insurance .

  11. 运用多层次综合模糊评价方法对长安保险经纪公司的顾客满意度进行了测评,并就其如何提高顾客满意度提出建议。

    Followed closely is utilizing the multi-level synthesis fuzzy evaluation method to carry on the evaluation to the safe insurance customer degree of satisfaction , and put forward the proposal that how to enhance the customer degree of satisfaction .

  12. 第三加强渔业互保组织与保险经纪公司的沟通,利用保险经纪公司的专业性与国内外知名保险集团达成再保险协议。

    They should strengthen the communication between the fishery mutual insurance organizations and the insurance brokerage firms , and make full use of professional insurance brokers and the well-known Insurance groups to make sure that reinsurance agreements shall be reached .

  13. 花旗内部人士表示,除了消费者银行部门的少数经理外,曾帮助桑迪威尔(sandyweill)完成保险和股票经纪公司旅行者(travelers)与花旗公司(citicorp)合并的高管大都已经离职。

    Citi insiders say that , aside from a few managers in the consumer banking division , most of the executives who helped sandy Weill engineer the merger between his travelers insurance and brokerage business and Citicorp have left .

  14. 在国际上,保险经纪、证券公司以及金融服务正朝向更加统一的趋势发展,而这一趋势目前也正在中国出现。

    The international trend towards greater integration between insurance brokerage , securities firms , and banking services is now also occurring in China .

  15. 52岁的布鲁曼克伦兹是纽约州普莱恩维尤市大型私有保险经纪和财产管理公司BWD的总经理。不过,铁人三项运动中不乏事业成功人士。

    Mr. Blumencranz , now 52 , is a managing director for BWD , a large , privately held insurance brokerage and wealth-management firm in Plainview , N.Y. But his career success hardly makes him an anomaly in the sport .

  16. 各大企业集团出于加强风险管理,节省保费的角度考虑出资设立保险代理公司、保险经纪公司等中介机构。

    For risk management and premium savings , many large enterprise groups established insurance agents ; insurance brokers and other intermediaries .

  17. 保险经纪综合信息管理平台是经纪公司信息化建设的核心内容,是规范保险经纪业务流程、支持保险经纪业务拓展、提升保险经纪公司管理水平的综合性基础服务平台。

    The Insurance Broker Integrated Management Information platform is the core in informationize construction of the insurance broker company . It is an integrity essential service system to rule the operation flow , to support the operation development , to improve the management level .

  18. 为了尽快与国际保险经纪市场接轨,拥有和外国发达保险经纪公司相抗衡的实力,我国必须在诸多方面采取切实有效的措施大力加以改进和完善。

    In order to get in line with international insurance brokerage market and have ability to match against foreign developed brokerage agency , our country should take efficient action to advance and perfect it in several aspects .

  19. 保险行业中存在着许多对保险经纪、对我公司的错误认识,这又使我公司的业务开展增加了许多困难。

    There are many wrong understandings of insurance broker , as well as our company in the insurance industry that increases the difficulty of business expansion .

  20. 体育保险的发展离不开专业的中介组织&体育保险经纪公司;体育保险应采取市场化的运作方式,提供全方位的保险服务;

    Professional sports insurance brokers are necessary to the development of sports insurance ;

  21. 第二节分析了我国保险经纪监管的法律依据,着重讨论如何完善《保险经纪公司管理规定》,并提出了立法建议。

    Section 2 analyses the legal foundation of the regulation , expounds the perfection of the Regulatory Rules on the Insurance Broking Companies of China , and gives some suggestions to our legal system .

  22. 随着中国保险行业与国际保险行业经营模式接轨的需要,国内保险经纪公司应运而生。

    With the demand of China insure industry united with international insure industry managing model , the insure broker corporation emerges as the times require .

  23. 要发展保险经纪市场,除了改善外部发展环境,更重要的是需要完善保险经纪公司的内部治理结构,提高内部管理水平。

    To develop the insurance brokerage market , in addition to improving external environment , more importantly is to improve the internal management structure of insurance brokerage company .

  24. 相比之下,我国的保险经纪业起步很晚,两年前才相继成立了首批三家全国性保险经纪公司。

    Adversely , our country 's insurance broking emerged very late and the birth of the first three insurance broker companies was two years ago .

  25. 经过长期发展,这些国家的保险经纪市场呈现出主体规模不断扩大,数量不断增加的趋势,其大部分保险业务控制在经纪公司手中,在有些国家,该控制比例甚至达到90%以上。

    After a long development , the quantity and scales of insurance brokerage company in these country expanded a lot . These insurance brokerage company control most part of insurance business and some even close to 90 % .