
  • 网络Insurance Policy;Insurance document
  1. 即使信用证没有明确要求,汇票、运输单据和保险单据也必须注明日期。

    Drafts , transport documents and insurance documents must be dated even if a credit does not expressly so require .

  2. 保险单据必须在表面上由保险公司或保险人或其代理人开立和签署。

    Insurance documents must appear on their face to be issued and signed by insurance companies or underwriters or their agents .

  3. B:(过了一会儿)没问题。这是您的保险单据,身份证。下个月您会收到平安保险公司的保险单。

    B : ( After a while ) No prolem.Here is your insurance document and your card . You will receive a policy from Ping An Insurance Company next month .

  4. 保险单据可以援引任何除外责任条款。

    An insurance document may contain reference to any exclusion clause .

  5. 这是您的保险单据,身份证。

    Here is your insurance document and your card .

  6. 仅要求银行审核保险单据表面详列的保险条件。

    Banks are only required to review the conditions of insurance as detailed on the face of the insurance document .

  7. 如果信用证要求空白背书式的保险单据,则保险单据也可开立成来人式,反之亦然。

    A document issued to bearer is acceptable where the credit requires an insurance document endorsed in blank and vice versa .

  8. 如信用证无特别规定,银行当按照所提交的保险单据予以接受,对未经投保的任何险别不予负责。

    Failing specific stipulations in the Credit , Banks will accept insurance documents as presented , without responsibility for any risks not being covered .

  9. 各公司应积极向客户提供电话、网络等方式查询和辨识保险单据真伪的服务。

    All companies shall actively provide their customers with services of consulting and identifying the genuineness of insurance documents by telephone , network , etc.

  10. 可议付的保险单据,至少以商业发票金额的170%计,空白背书,承保一切险,含战争险。

    Insurance policy or certificate in negotiable form for at least 170 percent of commercial invoice value , endorsed in blank covering all risk including war risks .

  11. 可能现在我们不得不审核保险单据的全部内容,包括其所载的条款和条件,以便察看是否存在任何风险除外。

    There is the possibility that we may now have to review the whole insurance document , including its terms and conditions to see if any exclusion exists .

  12. 如果保险单据注明签发的正本超过一份,除非信用证另有授权,必须提交所有的正本。

    If the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original , all the originals must be presented unless otherwiee authorized in the credit .

  13. 除非信用证另有规定,否则银行将接受表明有受免赔率或免赔额约束的保险单据。

    Unless otherwise stipulated in the Credit , Banks will accept an insurance document which indicates that the cover is subject to a franchise or on excess ( deductible ) .

  14. 诸如“通常险别”或“惯常险别”一类意义不明确的用语不应使用。如已使用,银行当按照所提交的保险单据予以接受,但对未经投保的任何险种不予负责。

    Imprecise terms such as " usual risks " or " customary risks " shall not be used , if they are used , banks will accept insurance documents as presented , without responsibility for any risks not being covered .

  15. 领到保险单、抵押单据、专利证书

    Take out an insurance policy , a mortgage , a patent