
  1. 加入WTO后中国体育保险市场机制变化研究

    Research on the Mechanism of China Sports Insurance Market after Entering WTO

  2. 在遵循保险市场机制的前提下,尝试对农业巨灾保险产品进行费率厘定。

    Under the insurance market mechanism , the article explore to make the premium rate of agriculture catastrophe insurance products .

  3. 城镇医疗保险制度市场机制的策略研究

    Study of Strategy of Market Mechanism of Urban Employee Medical Insurance System

  4. 我国保险市场退出机制的制度性缺陷及完善&从新《企业破产法》谈起

    The Institutional Defects in the Exiting Mechanism of our Insurance Market and Its Perfecting & From the View Angle of New Bankruptcy Law

  5. 我国保险企业市场退出机制研究

    Withdrawal Mechanism of Insurance Company in China

  6. 新型农村合作医疗与我国城乡社会二元制结构&社会商业保险试水农村医保市场机制浅析

    New Rural Cooperative Medical System and City-countryside Dual Social Structure in China-A Mechanisms Analysis of Commercial Insurance Participating in Rural Medical Insurance Market

  7. 日本实行类推适用虚假表示行为模式,侧重对真实权利人的保护。美国存在产权保险模式,通过市场机制保护交易第三人。

    Japan applies an analogy of false behavior , focusing on the party enjoining real rights . The United States has put title insurance into practice , through the market mechanisms to protect a third party of transactions .

  8. 目前我国住房抵押贷款保险市场缺乏竞争性机制,从长远来看不利于住房消费信贷的发展和保险公司运营水平的提高。

    Currently , China 's housing mortgage loan insurance market lacks competing mechanism . In the long run , the situation is not beneficial to the development of housing mortgage load business and the improvement of insurance companies'operation .

  9. 为建立保险市场的退出保障机制,2004年底保监会颁布实施了《保险保障基金管理办法》。

    In or - der to establish the exiting guarantee system of insurance market , CIRC ( China Insurance Regulatory Commission ) issued IGFMA ( In - surance Guarantee Fund Management Act ) in 2004 , while our new bankruptcy law is being vividly portrayed .

  10. 为提升中资保险业的国际竞争力,必须建立良好的保险市场准入机制,把握好保险业进入的“度”。

    For the purpose of improving the competitive power for Chinese insurance industry , China must build up the sound entry system of insurance market , and control the entry degree of insurance industry .

  11. 对我国保险市场退出状况做了较为详实的说明,并对进一步发展我国保险市场退出机制,提出了自己的见解。

    Last not the least , I made a clear description of the insurance market exit situation in our country and gave some suggestions to improve our insurance market exit system .

  12. 从农业保险参与主体的角度分析了中国农业保险当前存在的主要问题,同时还分析了农业保险的市场机制问题。

    At last , we analyze the main problem doers and the mechanism of market in china .

  13. 外资保险经营监管的目标包括确保外资保险机构的安全经营,保障保单持有人的权益,保证保险体系高效率运行以及保险市场竞争机制的良好运转与稳健发展。

    The targets of foreign insurance operation supervision are to ensure the safe operation of foreign insurance , protect the rights and interests of policy holders , guarantee the efficient run of insurance system and the good operation and stable development of insurance market competition mechanism .

  14. 但是,仔细斟酌《保险法》、《保险保障基金管理办法》及相关法规,发现其与新《企业破产法》有诸多不符之处,保险市场退出机制存在很多制度上的缺陷。

    And while at this time our new bankruptcy law is portrayed , which brings the banks , insurances and other financial institutions into its adjusting scope .