
  1. 第六章是长城保险营销战略的实施。

    Chapter Six is about the carrying out of the marketing strategy of Changcheng Insurance .

  2. 中国人寿保险公司营销战略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research of China Life Insurance Corporation

  3. 中国人民保险公司营销战略中若干问题的分析与对策

    The Analysis of and Countermeasures for the Several Issues in PICC 's Marketing Strategy

  4. 本论文建立在我十几年的工作基础之上,运用就读MBA期间所学到的市场营销理论,对我所在的工作单位中国人寿保险公司的营销战略与策略的建立进行比较系统、深入地研究和探讨。

    On the basis of my working experience of many years and marketing theories that I have obtained during MBA studying , in this thesis , I will research and analyze the strategies and tactics on marketing of " China Life Insurance Corporation " deeply and systematically .

  5. 前言首先是问题的提出,从3个方面阐述了中国人寿保险公司进行营销战略研究的必要性,论证了保险公司在目前的保险市场上必须科学地运用各种竞争方法。

    The article discusses reasons for strategy analysis , and points out that insurance company should use specific ways to compete .

  6. 最后,以平安保险公司为例进行实战分析。利用SWOT矩阵,制定平安保险公司的营销战略,运用产品的生命周期理论分析公司的产品结构。

    Finally , I will make a practical analysis by taking the Ping'an Insurance Company of China for example , and shape Ping'an Insurance Company 's marketing strategy by using SWOT matrix and analyse the product structure by applying the theory of the produce life cycle .