
  • 网络Insurance function;Insurance feature
  1. 高安全性、高收益性和适度的流动性,是保险融资职能发挥时最应当注意的三项基本原则。

    High security and appropriate liquidity , the two basic principles should be noted that when the operation of insurance funds .

  2. 再次,充分发挥保险行业协会职能,充分发挥已有的行业信息资源,便于具体政策的实施。

    Fourth , give full play to the functions of the insurance industry associations and the existing industry information resources .

  3. 可以在不同的机构以不同的方式行使清算、资本重组和存款保险的经济职能。

    The economic functions of resolution , recapitalisation and deposit insurance can be pooled in different ways , in different institutions .

  4. 现代金融功能理论将风险管理与分散功能列为金融六大基本功能之一,而风险的保障和转移是保险的基本职能所在。

    Theory of market uncertainty regards risks management and dispersive function as two of the six basic functions of finance , whereas the guarantee and transferring of risks as the basic function of insurance .

  5. 保险业的基本职能在于分散危险促进社会再生产顺利进行,但保险业的另一重要职能即投资职能常常被人们忽视。

    The basic function of insurance is to disperse dangers and accelerate social reproduction .

  6. 社会保险分析与政府职能定位

    Analysis and Government Functional Location of Social Insurance

  7. 摘要:社会医疗保险改革的重要职能之一就是取得医疗保险基金的平衡。

    Abstract : one of important functions of social medical insurance reform is striking a balance of medical insurance fund .

  8. 保险个人代理人的职能主要有三类:开创新业务,保留现有业务,为保单所有人提供服务。

    Personal insurance agent has three main functions : creating new business , retaining existing business and provide services for all customers .

  9. 解决老龄化社会问题,必须建立起系统的社会养老保险制度,养老职能将更多地依赖于社会,依赖于社会各方面养老服务项目的开展。

    To solve the aging issue , we must establish a systematic social pension system , making old age provision , to a large extent , rely on society and various type of pension services .

  10. 支持农村养老保险是公共财政职能的要求,国际经验和国内一些地区的实践也充分证明财政支持是农村社会养老保险制度成功实施的关健。

    Supporting rural social endowment insurance is the requirement of public financial function . A number of domestic and international experience indicate that the government financial support is the key of building up the rural social endowment insurance system successfully .

  11. 就西方发达国家体育保险的发展、保险的职能、保险的对象、保险的险种及保险经纪人的经营、活动加以分析和论述,并对我国体育保险业的发展提出建议。

    Based on the analysis of sports insurance in western advanced countries , some advice on development of ours is made .

  12. 这四个国家和地区的存款保险机构的功能涵盖了世界各国存款保险机构职能的主要类型,因此具有广泛的代表性和较大的考察意义。

    The functions of the deposit insurers in the four countries and regions cover the main types of deposit insurance agencies around the world which have broad representation and study significance .

  13. 该文从存款保险体制、存款保险机构的设置、存款保险机构的职能、存款保险的参保方式和保险范围、存款保险费率、理赔标准等多方面为我国建立存款保险制度提出了立法建议。

    This article puts forward some legislative suggestions in the aspects of deposit insurance system , establishment and function of the deposit safety unit , insurance coverage and deposit insurance premium rate , etc.

  14. 在完善保险监管手段的同时,积极推进中国保险行业的信用体系建设,充分发挥商业保险的社会职能,在努力建设和谐社会中承担起应尽的职责。

    We should actively promote the establishment of Chinese insurance credit system and make the best of the social functions of business insurance so as to enable the insurance companies to take their due responsibilities in building a harmonious society .

  15. 分析了我国保险营销的几种模式以及形成原因,阐述了现行保险公司营销机制的负面影响探讨了保险企业销售职能市场化的途径。

    This article analyze the models for insurance marketing and the cause of formation . On this basis , discuss the approach for " selling function marketization " .

  16. 保险监管不但可以起到市场准入管控的作用,而且可以引导创造保险公司的最大效益规模,同时,保险监管也是实现保险业经济补偿职能的重要途径。

    First of all , insurance supervision can play a function of managing admittance of market ;

  17. 近年来,保险投资出现的问题层出不穷,保险资金运用不当导致保险资金的安全性降低,从而影响保险公司的稳定经营,也影响了保险的社会职能的发挥。

    In recent years , many problems exist in insurance investment , the unsuitable operation of insurance capital lead to reduce the security of insurance capital . It influences the management of insurance company and social function of insurance company .