- 网络subrogation

Such right of priority possesses the nature of the real right for security , whose characteristics of attachment , retroactivity , subrogation and undivision become the theoretical basis of solving problems in adjudication .
Substitution of Mortgage Rights , says something to replace his thing .
Part three explores the right of subrogation and abandonment .
Thirdly , mortgage is in essence a kind of right of value .
On the Range of Subrogation of Mortgage Right
Mortgage thing former generation position scope , various countries ' stipulation also different .
The third question is whether the provision of real subrogation of mortgage can be applied to the mortgage of ship .
Starting from the concept of the subrogation on marine insurance , the treatise studies the name and limitation of subrogation .
It has the character of property , subordination , inseparability , prior tempore , transfer - ence , and specific objects .
Insurance subrogation is a right of subrogation , and on the right of subrogation is insurance loss compensation principles of derived rights .
As the right of guaranteed goods that justified the exchange value of the subject matter , mortgage right certainly has the characteristic of subrogation .
Subrogation , on subrogation , insurance subrogation of the different concepts . This article briefly discusses on subrogation and insurance subrogation ( rights of subrogation ) .
Then the author mainly demonstrates the recourse , replacement on the subject and the styles and procedures of realizing ownership reservation by means of analyzing related foreign legislation , precedents , theory and domestic mortgage law system .
Upon the analysis of the defects of the regulation concerning material subrogation and the insurance and security , Chapter 2 puts forward suggestions on the improvement of remedy measures concerning the infringement on the right to mortgage of vessels .
The first chapter also analyzes the conception of the floating charge through the definition and features of it and distinguishes it from the related notion including financial group mortgage , retention of ownership and substitution of mortgage .