
  • 网络subrogation
  1. 该项优先权具有担保物权的性质,其附从性、追及性、物上代位性及不可分性的特点,成为解决审判实践中所遭遇问题的理论基础。

    Such right of priority possesses the nature of the real right for security , whose characteristics of attachment , retroactivity , subrogation and undivision become the theoretical basis of solving problems in adjudication .

  2. 抵押权的物上代位性,谓某物代替他物。

    Substitution of Mortgage Rights , says something to replace his thing .

  3. 第三部分对损失补偿原则所派生出的保险代位作了介绍。保险代位可以分为权利代位和物上代位。

    Part three explores the right of subrogation and abandonment .

  4. 抵押权本质上是一种价值权;从属性与不可分性,物上代位性均为抵押权之一般特征,而非抵押权之根本属性;

    Thirdly , mortgage is in essence a kind of right of value .

  5. 论抵押权物上代位的范围

    On the Range of Subrogation of Mortgage Right

  6. 对抵押权的物上代位性的范围,各国规定的也不同。

    Mortgage thing former generation position scope , various countries ' stipulation also different .

  7. 第三问题是抵押权的物上代位权的规定是否适用于船舶物权。

    The third question is whether the provision of real subrogation of mortgage can be applied to the mortgage of ship .

  8. 首先,从海上保险代位求偿权的概念切入,进而谈到代位求偿原则的法理基础以及同其他一些相关概念即债权人代位权和物上代位权的比较。

    Starting from the concept of the subrogation on marine insurance , the treatise studies the name and limitation of subrogation .

  9. 质权的法律特征是物权性、从属性、不可分性、物上代位性、优先受偿性、移转质物的占有性及客体的特定性。

    It has the character of property , subordination , inseparability , prior tempore , transfer - ence , and specific objects .

  10. 保险代位求偿权是一种权利上代位权,与物上代位权都是保险的损失补偿原则的派生权利。

    Insurance subrogation is a right of subrogation , and on the right of subrogation is insurance loss compensation principles of derived rights .

  11. 物上代位性是物权的重要特征,抵押权作为支配标的物“交换价值”的担保物权,当然也有物上代位性。

    As the right of guaranteed goods that justified the exchange value of the subject matter , mortgage right certainly has the characteristic of subrogation .

  12. 代位权、物上代位权、保险代位求偿权的概念不同。本文区分了物上代位权与保险代位求偿权(权利上代位权),主要论述了保险代位求偿权。

    Subrogation , on subrogation , insurance subrogation of the different concepts . This article briefly discusses on subrogation and insurance subrogation ( rights of subrogation ) .

  13. 继而就所有权保留的追及性和物上代位性以及所有权保留的实行方式和程序,参照各国相关立法、判例和学说,结合国内担保法制,进行深入和细致的研究。

    Then the author mainly demonstrates the recourse , replacement on the subject and the styles and procedures of realizing ownership reservation by means of analyzing related foreign legislation , precedents , theory and domestic mortgage law system .

  14. 第二章分别阐述了船舶抵押权受侵害的法理基础、类型,检讨船舶抵押权物上代位和抵押船舶之保险保障方面的缺失,并提出完善相关法律的建议。

    Upon the analysis of the defects of the regulation concerning material subrogation and the insurance and security , Chapter 2 puts forward suggestions on the improvement of remedy measures concerning the infringement on the right to mortgage of vessels .

  15. 第一章还从浮动抵押的定义和特征入手,对其概念进行了分析,并与财团抵押、所有权保留和抵押物的物上代位性等相关概念进行了区别。

    The first chapter also analyzes the conception of the floating charge through the definition and features of it and distinguishes it from the related notion including financial group mortgage , retention of ownership and substitution of mortgage .