
  1. 第四部分讨论了物业服务合同的违约责任。

    The fourth part is liability for breach of the contract .

  2. 其次,对物业服务合同履行抗辩权法理进行分析。

    Secondly , construed the legal performance of right of defense .

  3. 有关物业服务合同的性质规定不明确;

    Inexplicit definition of the character of the contract of property service ;

  4. 第二章主要介绍了物业服务合同的基本理论。

    Second chapter mainly introduced the property contract of service elementary theory .

  5. 本文第一部分对物业服务合同进行了概述。

    The first part presents a overview of Real Estate Management ServiceContract .

  6. 第二部分着眼于物业服务合同主体的研究。

    The second part eyes on the subject of Real Estate Management ServiceContract .

  7. 第二章为现行物业服务合同存在的问题及分析。

    The second chapter analyzes the existing problems in the property service contract .

  8. 物业服务合同若干法律问题研究

    Research Into Legal Issues of Realty Serving Contract

  9. 物业服务合同常见纠纷问题初探

    Discussion on Common Disputes in Property Service Contract

  10. 第三部分是物业服务合同的性质及特征。

    The third part talks about the characters of the real estate service contract .

  11. 物业服务合同研究

    The Research on the Real Estate Service Contract

  12. 文章从物业服务合同的内容入手,对这些问题展开了论述。

    This article discussed these problems from the contents of the realty service contract .

  13. 物业服务合同是物业管理活动的基础。

    The real estate service contract is the foundation of the real estate management activity .

  14. 所以深入理解物业服务合同的有关内容至关重要。

    So deeply understanding the relevant contents of the realty service contract is very important .

  15. 第四部分是对物业服务合同主体的权利义务的分析。

    The fourth part analyses the real estate service contract subjects ' right and obligation .

  16. 第一部分物业服务合同之基本理论分析。

    In the first part , the basic theories of the real estate service contract are analyzed .

  17. 前期物业服务合同刍议

    Analysis of Estate Service Contract

  18. 前期物业服务合同与普通物业服务合同前后相续,相互衔接,两者在合同的签订时间、主体以及生效期间都有所不同。

    The pre-liminary estate service contract and a standard estate service contract combine with each other in estate manage-ment .

  19. 第五部分是物业服务合同实务中存在的问题以及完善对策。

    The fifth part talks about the problems of the real estate service contract in practice and its countermeasures .

  20. 前款所称物业服务合同包括前期物业服务合同。

    The term " realty service contract " as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes a pre-completion realty service contract .

  21. 物业服务合同与人们的生活密切相关,并在物业服务活动中起着最重要的作用。

    The property service contract is closely related to human life and plays an important role in the property service activities .

  22. 没有物业服务合同,任何一个物业管理企业都无法与任何一个物业区域的业主建立稳定、合法的服务关系。

    Without it , no real estate management enterprise can establish a steady and legal service connection with its real estate owners .

  23. 物业服务合同是典型的民事合同,是一种新类型的服务合同,是合同法上的无名合同和要式合同。

    As a new kind of service contract , it belongs to the unnamed contract and special-formed contract in the Contract Law .

  24. 物业服务合同涉及的主体较多,各主体之间关系及在法律上的地位未有定论。

    There are many bodies in property serving contract , and scholars have disputes over the relations among these bodies and their legal status .

  25. 本文由三部分构成:第一章主要介绍了物业服务合同的基本理论。系统阐述了物业服务合同的概念、种类和特殊性。

    The first chapter introduces the basic theories of property and systematically elaborates the concept , categories and particularities of the property service contract .

  26. 分析了由产权关系熏业主管理公约关系熏以及物业服务合同关系熏产生的业主在物业管理中的各项基本权利。

    This paper analyzes owner 's basic rights in property management resulted relations of property right , owner management pledge and property service contract .

  27. 即物业服务合同是一种新型的独立的服务合同,并建议确立其独立的地位,使其有名化。

    Property service contract is a new type of impendent service contract . So , I suggest establishing its independent status and giving its name .

  28. 物业服务合同的解除应当遵循《合同法》的约定,业主不能任意解除物业服务合同;

    One party of the realty serving contract , the owner or the owner committee , has special legal status which can not dissolve the contract at will .

  29. 具体表现为物业服务合同的性质不确定,物业服务合同的主体混乱,物业服务合同的内容不明确。

    For specific performance of the realty service contract nature of uncertainty , the subjects of real estate service contract confusion , property service contract is not clear .

  30. 该物业服务合同的主体是业主和物业管理企事业,客体是物业服务的行为。

    The corpus of the service contract is the owner and the real estate management business , while the guest body is the behavior of the real estate service .