
  1. 现代生产物流成套设备系统管理与监控的关键技术研究

    Study on Control and Management Techniques of Complete Equipment of Modern Manufacturing Logistics

  2. 提出现代生产物流成套设备监控管理的网络模式并在此模式基础上研究数据的通信技术;

    A network mode about the monitoring and management of CLE is proposed and the research about the communication technology based on this mode ;

  3. 本文重点是重新规划咸阳华润纺织有限公司原材料供应作业业务流程,该业务流程的有效运作,需要有关现代物流设施设备和管理信息系统的支持。

    This article focuses on re-planning of Xianyang China Resources Textiles Company Limited raw material supply operations business processes , the business processes to operate effectively , the modern logistics facilities , equipment and management information systems support .

  4. 目前,整个行业现代物流设施建设及技术设备更新基本完成,基于现代物流设施设备的管理方案成为亟待解决的问题。

    At present , modern logistics facilities construction and technical equipment renewal has been generally realized in the entire industry .