
  1. 确立物权行为独立性与无因基础上的实质审议主义,公开登记薄以确立公示与公信原则;

    It makes the independent of property act and substantial review , opens the registration book to show its principle of public note and trust .

  2. 物权行为独立性与善意取得制度相辅相成,分别给予受让人以债权保护和物权保护,而物权行为无因性之功能可为善意取得制度所替代,无存在的价值;

    The independence of action of property right contributes to the transaction safety of buyer , but the function of the abstraction of act of property right can be replaced by Bona Fide Acquisition .

  3. 物权行为以其独立性和无因性为支柱。

    The juristic acts of real rights are based on unreason principle and independence principle .

  4. 我国物权法应采纳物权行为的独立性理论

    Real Right Law Of Our Country Should Adopt Independence Theory Of Real Right

  5. 笔者主张,物权行为理论有其独立价值,我国立法与司法应坚持物权行为的独立性,但应对物权行为的无因性进行一定的限制。

    Theory of juristic act of real right has its unique value , so the legislation and judicature shall persist in the independence of juristic act of real right , but limit abstract of juristic act of real right in certain degree .

  6. 我国物权法可以不采纳物权行为的无因性理论,但不应置物权合意的存在、物权行为的独立性于不顾;

    The author holds that the law of real right of our country may not adopt the theory of real right behavior , but can not put the existence of the real right behavior ignoring .