- 网络logistics public information platform

A Trust Evaluation Model Based on Reputation for Logistics Public Information Platform
A Risk Evaluation Model for the Development of Logistics Public Information Platform
Research on Planning and Design of City Public Logistics Information Platform
Research on the Planning of Logistics Public Information Platform in Ganzhou City
Design an Realization of Public Information Platform Based on Datum - grid
Layer Structure and Analysis on the Function about the Logistics Public Information Platform
Logistics Public Information Platform Based on GPS / GIS
The Intension of Logistics Public Information Platform and Planning
To build logistical public information platform need to carry out comprehensive demand analysis , to provide ' one station ' logistical information service .
The trouble is to adopt platform mode to achieve virtuous circle of logistical public information platform , thereby , to integrate the service function .
This paper introduces the technology of GPS / GIS , and then discusses the establishment of logistics public information platform based on GPS / GIS .
Public Logistics Information Platform is a relatively new concept . Now there is no formal reference in foreign countries and the planning and design in domestic is still in the exploration period .
Being an objective requirement of the development of modern city logistics , the planning and design of city public logistics information platform ( CPLIP ) have already been launched in our country .
Cloud computing provide a new train of thought and a mode for build logistical public information platform , it start to demand of user , network resources as service provide to user by software provider and platform operation .
Second , through the analysis of overall demand of logistics public information platform under the circumstance of auto parts industrial cluster , the function structure , frame structure and system architecture of information platform is built , which provides the practical basis for this research .
The Discussion of Building a Platform to Share the Information for Small and Medium-Sized Companies
Essentially , logistical public information platform provides different level information service for different user such as different government branches and different company users .
The construction of logistics public information platform ( PILP ), on the one hand , is the key of the development of modern logistics , on the other hand , greatly promotes the development of modern logistics forward .
In this paper , we use West china Logistics Port as an example to illustrate planning and designing of Public Logistics Information Platform .
And according to the characteristics of logistics service , Logistics Public Information Platform to exchange Data and service is designed . And incentive strategy and its implementation pattern are raised to achieve the information sharing .
This paper carries out the following studies . Firstly , combining the current development of domestic and international information platform for logistics parks , the problems of trade and logistics parks are identified , then functional requirements of trade and logistics parks public information platform are proposed .
The paper mainly analyzes the general concept , structure , hierarchy and functions of regional logistics information network system as well as the key modules of establishing regional logistics public information Platform .