
  • 网络informatization of logistics management
  1. 我国钢铁企业物流管理信息化探讨

    Discussion on the informatization of logistics management in iron & steel enterprises

  2. XX连锁零售业物流管理信息化研究

    The Research on the Informationization of Logistics Management in XX Retail Chain Trade

  3. 煤炭企业物流管理信息化的初步设想

    A tentative idea of coal internal logistics administration information

  4. 基于供应链的钢铁企业物流管理信息化研究与应用浅析物流企业的信息化管理

    Study and Application on Logisticss Management Informatization in Steel Enterprises Based on Supply Chain

  5. 企业物流管理信息化模型设计研究

    Design in Business Logistics Management Information Modeld

  6. 企业实施物流管理信息化是在网络经济背景下寻求资源最优配置的战略选择。

    At network economy era , it is strategic for an enterprise to realize its logistics management informatization .

  7. 随着邮政速递物流管理信息化建设的发展,计算机和自动化技术被越来越多地引入到了信息管理系统中。

    With the construction of logistics management , information technology development , computer and automation technology are increasingly being introduced into the logistics management system .

  8. 物流管理信息化是提高企业物流管理水平、降低物流成本、实现物流最优化的有效手段。

    Logistics management system realization is the effective way of improving the level of company logistics management , increasing logistics cost and realization of logistics optimization .

  9. 系统投入运行,与企业网实现了互联,促进了集团公司物流管理信息化,取得了较好的效果。

    System bringing into service , and the enterprise net have realized an interconnection , have promoted conglomerate logistics administration information , have got fairly good effect .

  10. 企业管理的信息化为物流管理信息化引路,物流管理信息系统的构筑是物流管理信息化实施的保障。

    Business administration informatization will lead the development of the logistics management informatization , while logistics management information system will guarantee for the implement of logistics management informatization .

  11. 本文在分析我国钢铁企业物流管理信息化现状的基础上,提出我国钢铁企业物流管理信息化的发展策略和物流管理信息系统实施的具体步骤。

    Based on an analysis of the status of logistics management informatization in iron & steel enterprises in China , strategies of advancing the informatization of , and specific measures of establishing an information system , for the logistics management are put forward in the paper .

  12. 随着物流管理信息化建设的发展,作为物流信息管理中的重要组成部分的仓储管理信息化也越来越多地被关注,同时,计算机技术和自动识别技术被越来越多地引入库存管理及整个供应链系统中。

    With the development of logistics management , the informatization of storage management , as an important part of logistics information management , has been increasingly paid attention to . Meanwhile , computer and automatic identification technology are being brought into inventory management and the whole supply chain system continuously .

  13. 现代火电厂物流管理及其信息化研究

    Research on the Logistic Management and the Informatization Problems in the Modern Power Plant

  14. 因此,研究青海石油管理局物流仓储管理信息化问题,对企业有重要的现实意义。

    Under this situation , to research the management Information system of logistics and inventory management is very important to the company .

  15. 为此,本文在项目的支撑下提出的研究课题对提高装饰布企业物流管理水平及信息化水平,进而提高企业的市场竞争力有一定的理论研究意义和实用价值。

    Therefore , the subject of this thesis supported by the project is of some theoretical significance and practical value in improving logistics management level and informatization degree , and thus enhancing the market competitiveness of decorative fabric enterprises .

  16. 物流管理与服务的信息化水平的高低已经成为区别现代物流与传统物流的重要标志之一。

    Information level of logistics management and service has become an important sign which is used to distinguish traditional logistics and modern logistics .

  17. 研究了在低成本物流环境下,物流管理信息化的难点&物流作业管理的信息化系统的构建方法。

    Research the method of building the logistics work information system under the low cost logistics environment .

  18. 同时,实行虚拟库存和协同物流配送管理也是物流企业管理信息化的一个重要组成部分。

    Meanwhile , the realization of virtual inventory and collaborative distribution is an impertinent part of the information-based management of logistics companies .

  19. RFID即无线射频识别已成为现代物流的热点技术,其对物流管理向信息化发展的作用十分显著。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) has been a key technology of modern logistics , and it has great effect to logistics'development .

  20. 分别从以下四个方面介绍:我国物流网络的发展、物流行业格局、物流管理信息化的现状与现行突出的信息孤岛问题。

    Four problems are discussed : development of logistics network , structure of logistics industry , situation of information-based logistics management and the problem of information isolated island .

  21. 认为建设煤炭企业物流信息系统有利于实现煤炭企业物流管理的信息化、网络化,可优化煤炭企业的物流系统的运转,提高物流效率。

    It is considered that the construction of logistics information system for coal enterprises can realize the information and network management of their logistics system , optimize the operation of their logistics system and increase the efficiency of logistics system .

  22. 同时研究提出一般物流企业进行信息化建设应以财务与业务信息化、物流管理信息化以及预算管理信息化为实施顺序。

    At the same time , paper researches and comes up with that the informatization of logistics enterprises should in the order of financial and service synchronous informatization 、 logistics management informatization and budget management informatization .

  23. 结合我国钢铁企业正在实施信息化建设的背景,设计、开发、实现了基于供应链的钢铁企业物流管理信息系统之库存管理子系统,部分地实现了钢铁企业物流管理的信息化。

    Finally , on the background of the informationization of steel enterprises , an inventory management system , which is a subsystem of the supply-chain-based steel enterprises ' logistics management information system , is designed , developed and realized .

  24. 这些问题主要包括生产物流缺乏专业化的物流管理组织、生产物流布局规划不合理、生产物料仓储不规范、生产物料搬运效率低下、生产物流管理信息化落后等。

    On the whole , the problems were listed as follows : lack of professionalized production logistic management organization , irrational production logistic planning layout , unreasonable production material storage , inefficiency production material carry and less developed production logistic management informationization .

  25. 通过对典型生产制造企业物流系统的分析,提出了典型物流系统的复合模型,为企业生产工艺过程提供了一套物流系统建模方法,并对企业生产物流管理信息化设计模型作了简单的介绍。

    This paper proposes the complex model of typical logistics system based on the analysis of producing logistics system of manufacturing company , and also offers a set of modeling methods of logistics system for enterprise 's production technology process , and introduces enterprise logistics managing information-based design model .