
  • 网络Logistics agent;third party logistics
  1. 电子商务形势下中国精益物流代理宏观运作模式研究

    Problems & Countermeasures in China 's Lean Logistics Agent Model under the E-Commerce

  2. 结合中国企业的目前实际和上述理论,较为完整地提出了综合物流代理模式及其运作思路。

    Combined with present practices and these theories , this paper put forward an integrated logistics agent mode and its operation method integrally Finally , a related case was analyzed .

  3. 在模式设计部分,本文以纺织业和钢铁流通业为例,设计了银行主导型、客户中心型和物流代理型三种融通仓模式。

    In the pattern design module , the paper designs three patterns including bank driving FTW , client centric FTW and logistic agent FTW using examples of textile industry and current industry of steel .

  4. 第三方物流综合代理的EDI物资情报系统

    EDI Material Intelligence System of the Third Party Physical Distribution Integrated Agent

  5. 第三方物流委托代理问题

    The proben of principal-agent in third party logistics

  6. 基于多移动代理的物流应用服务代理研究

    Research on logistic application service broker based on multi-mobile agents

  7. 整车物流中委托代理问题的研究我国整车物流发展现状与发展策略

    The Issue of Principal-Agent of Vehicle Logistics Chinese Actuality and Developing Strategy of Complete Vehicle Logistics

  8. 逐步推行连锁经营、物流配送、代理制、电子商务等组织形式和服务方式。

    We need to gradually adopt such organizational forms and service methods as commercial chains , physical distribution , the agency system and e-commerce .

  9. 第三方物流企业的委托代理风险与应对策略

    Principal-agent risks and coping strategies for third-party logistics enterprises

  10. 针对第三方物流存在的委托代理问题,传统的双边委托代理模型值得借鉴。

    Traditional principal-agent model can be used for reference to resolve principal-agent problems in the third party logistics .

  11. 根据非资产型第三方物流运作中委托代理关系信息不对称的特点,建立了非资产型第三方物流链的两层委托代理关系模型。

    According to the asymmetric information during the operation of non-asserted third-party logistics , the two levels principal-agent model is set up , and the optimal contract is provided .

  12. 提出了物流服务集群、物流服务代理、物流服务移动代理的表达和内部结构,以及物流服务移动代理的路由策略和服务搜索与定位策略。

    The expression and internal structure of LSC , logistic service agents and logistic service mobile agents were provided . The routing strategy , as well as the searching and location strategy of service , was described .

  13. 论述了废旧家电逆向物流系统激励机制的原因,激励机制的构成以及逆向物流的委托代理机制。

    The paper discusses the cause and form of motivation mechanism of reverse logistics and principal-agent theory of reverse logistics .

  14. 分析了现代物流发展趋势,阐述了适合我国国情和路情的综合物流代理模式,提出了发展战略和几点具体对策。

    This article proves the necessity for the development of railway freight transportation based on big freight flow system , analyzes the trend of modern logistics development and the mode that suits China , points out the developing strategy and put forward several detailed countermeasures .

  15. 本文分析了当前电子商务物流管理的现状,阐述了物流一体化和专业的第三方物流的发展,并提出了适合中国国情的综合物流代理模式。

    The paper analyses the current situation of E-commerce logistics management , states the development of integrated logistics and third party logistics and put forwards the logistic agent mode . Which is suitable for the situation of China .