
  • 网络BPO;ito;service outsourcing;Outsourced;Outsourcing
  1. 服务外包业中OCR前期对图片的处理

    Picture processing before OCR in BPO

  2. 中融公司将致力于为客户创造价值、为产业链的繁荣做出贡献,努力实现打造中国服务外包第一品牌的战略目标。

    Zhong Rong devotes itself to create value for clients and makes great efforts to achieve the strategic goal : The Top brand in the BPO service industry in China .

  3. 青岛市发展国际服务外包产业的意义及SWOT分析。

    The SWOT of Qingdao to develop the international service outsourcing industry .

  4. 服务外包发展的影响因素及启示&基于部分OECD国家服务外包的分析

    Influencing Factors and Implications of Service Outsourcing : A Demonstration of OECD Countries ' Service Outsourcing

  5. C公司无论是IT服务外包内部管理风险还是IT服务外包外部管理风险,都处于中等偏下水平,综合风险也处于中等偏下的水平。

    C , both the IT service outsourcing of internal risk management and external management of IT outsourcing risk , are in the middle level , the comprehensive risk is at medium level .

  6. GATS框架下我国发展离岸服务外包的法律问题

    The Legal Issues of Offshore Outsourcing Services for China under the Framework of GATS

  7. 第四章通过运用SWOT方法对大连服务外包产业的发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了详细的分析。

    Through SWOT method , the fourth chapter analyzes strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of Dalian Service outsourcing industry development .

  8. 第四章指出了昆明服务外包产业的发展环境及现状,并运用SWOT模型对昆明服务外包产业发展进行了全面分析。

    In the following part , we point out the development environment and current situation of the service outsourcing industry in Kunming and present a comprehensive analysis on the development of the service outsourcing industry in Kunming using the SWOT model .

  9. 服务外包主要以信息技术外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO)为主,已经成为拉动经济发展的重要手段,并成为全球瞩目的焦点。

    Service outsourcing is based on information technology outsourcing ( ITO ) and business process outsourcing ( BPO ) . It has become an important means to promote economic development and become the focus in the world .

  10. 金域检验是中国最早进入生物医药检测高技术服务外包领域的企业,医学独立实验室是我国的新兴行业,J公司作为国内行业的领头羊,业务发展迅速。

    Jin Yu inspection is the earliest Chinese into the biomedical detection in the field of high technology service outsourcing enterprises , independent laboratory medicine is a new industry of our country , J company as a domestic industry leader , the business is developing rapidly .

  11. 论国际金融服务外包及中国的应对策略

    Discuss the International Financial Service Outsourcing and China 's Corresponding Strategies

  12. 离岸服务外包:成因、发展前景及承接策略

    Offshore service outsourcing : reason , development foreground and relating strategy

  13. 全球经济的一体化使得服务外包全球化成为现实。

    The integration of world economy make outsourcing globalization a reality .

  14. 威海市服务外包公共技术平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Public Technology Platform for Weihai Service Outsourcing

  15. 离岸服务外包接包方竞争力影响因素研究

    Study on the Factors Influencing Competitiveness of Service Offshoring Host Country

  16. 零售商承接生产者服务外包的模式及其优势

    The Pattern and Advantages of Retailers to Receive the Services Outsourcing

  17. 企业服务外包项目采购管理的研究和应用

    Procurement Management Research and Application for Service Outsourcing Project of Enterprises

  18. 大力发展服务外包优化外贸出口结构

    Developing Service Outsourcing and Optimizing the Export Structure of Foreign Trade

  19. 大庆服务外包产业发展模式与对策研究

    Research on Daqing 's Service Outsourcing Industry Development Model and Countermeasures

  20. 基于社会资本的我国承接服务外包方式研究

    Based on the Social Capital of China Undertake Service Outsourcing Research

  21. 第四章从理论层面分析了中国承接服务外包的经济效应。

    Chapter four analyzes the economic effects of the service outsourcing .

  22. 公共服务外包委托&代理问题研究

    Research on Principal-Agent Problem in Contacting Out of Public Service

  23. 对运行机制的归纳,可以提高对国际金融服务外包的整体认识。

    Induction of running mechanism can improve the international financial services outsourcing .

  24. 第5章我国承接服务外包的就业效应。

    Chapter 5 talks about employment effect of undertaking the service outsourcing .

  25. 目前,国内银行业的服务外包主要集中在IT外包领域。

    So far domestic bank industry mainly focuses on the IT outsourcing .

  26. 服务外包中企业合作与激励问题研究

    Study on the Cooperation and Motivate Mechanism among Enterprises in Service Outsourcing

  27. 服务外包:一种基于进入权治理的关系型契约

    Services Outsourcing : A Relational Contract Based on the Right of Access

  28. 生产性服务外包供应商选择的关键要素分析

    The Analysis of Key Elements on Outsourcing Supplier Selection of Manufacture Industry

  29. 中国承接国际服务外包的经济增长效应分析

    The Analysis on Chinese Economic Growth Effect by Undertaking International Service Outsourcing

  30. 软件与信息服务外包企业人才供应链研究

    Study of Talent Supply-Demand Chain for Software and Information Service Outsourcing Companies