
  1. 在阐述了相关理论之后,按照B2C电子商务模式企业与第三方配送模式企业在各自行业内所处的地位进行了四种协同的分类。

    The writer classifies four types according to the positions of business to customer model in E-commerce enterprises and third party distribution enterprises in their own trades .

  2. 笔者将B2C电子商务模式与第三方配送的协同发展作为研究的主题。

    The writer regards that it is necessary to analyze the problem of collaborative development between the business to customer model in E-commerce and the third party distribution model .

  3. 对市内配送的配送线路、货物装载、第三方配送车队的管理及配送的计划性进行优化分析。

    To shanghai , distribution route , the way of loading , 3PL transportation company management , and planning was studied .

  4. 通过该模型计算所得的配送车保有量,在结合第三方配送资源的情况下,能够充分地满足季节性波动的配送需求,从而降低车辆的购置成本,并实现总配送成本的最小化。

    With the third-party distribution resources , the reasonable holding volume of distribution vehicles calculated by this model can fully satisfy the fluctuant demand , reduce the cost of the vehicles purchase and achieve the minimum total cost of distribution .

  5. 第三方物流配送仿真系统的研究

    Simulation System of the Third Party Logistics ' ? Delivery

  6. 面向第三方物流配送的道路网建模及应用

    Road network modeling and application oriented to third-party logistics distribution

  7. 基于模糊品质机能法的第三方物流配送中心选址方法研究

    Methodology Based on Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment for Distribution Center Location for 3PLS

  8. 几年下来,邦达已发展成为目前国内最大的第三方医药配送企业。

    A few years , Bondarenko has developed into the largest third-party domestic pharmaceutical distribution business .

  9. 本文系统地研究设计了为连锁企业服务的第三方物流配送系统方案以及整个系统的运作流程。

    The paper study and design systematization schemes of the Third Physical distribution and the whole system process .

  10. 在所设想的基础上,以第三方物流配送企业为背景,对配送运输计算机优化调度系统进行了初步设计。

    Base on practicality and flexibility , primary design of the system is worked out in this paper .

  11. 以第三方物流配送中心为例,给出了系统层次结构、系统功能及网络拓扑结构。

    Taking TPL distribution center as an example , the author offers system hierarchy structure , functions and network topology .

  12. 我国连锁超市的物流配送主要有自营配送、第三方物流配送和共同配送模式。

    Logistics distribution is the most important part for supermarket , which includes self-distribution , 3PL distribution and cooperative distribution .

  13. 采用先进的面向服务架构,设计并开发第三方物流配送的干扰管理系统,从而协助第三方物流企业处理配送过程中的干扰事件,保障配送任务的进行。

    And then it designs and develops the 3 ~ ( rd ) logistics distribution disruption management system using the advanced Service-Oriented Architecture .

  14. 本文在对第三方物流配送及干扰管理进行深入分析的基础上,运用干扰管理理论对物流配送过程中的干扰事件进行分析。

    This dissertation analyzes the disruption of logistics distribution activities by thoroughly analyzing 3 ~ ( rd ) logistics distribution and disruption management .

  15. 通过对国内外物流配送模式的分析,重点讨论了现在流行的第三方物流配送模式,连锁物流配送,战略合作联盟物流配送方式,包括与供应商合作配送,与竞争者合作配送等。

    Also the paper analyzes several typical logistics delivery models including the third-party logistics model , the coordinated logistics model and the self-supporting model etc.

  16. 运用面向服务架构的开发方法,设计并开发第三方物流配送干扰管理系统。

    This dissertation designs and develops the 3 ~ ( rd ) logistics distribution disruption management system utilizing the developing method of Services Oriented Architecture .

  17. 在电子商务物流配送服务中,电子商务企业与第三方物流配送企业的合作中存在着严重的信息不对称,由此产生了委托&代理问题。

    During the fulfillment of logistical delivery in E-commerce , there is an agent-principal problem because of asymmetry information available between e-retailer and third party logistics .

  18. 根据配送干扰管理的特点,采用面向服务架构,建立基于服务的第三方物流配送干扰管理系统的系统模型及架构。

    After considering the characteristics of disruption management , this dissertation designs the system model and architecture of Service-Based 3 ~ ( rd ) logistics distribution disruption management system .

  19. 提出了从供应链运作体系上整合为连锁企业服务的第三方物流配送系统组织体系改进、配送中心流程设计以及配送管理信息网络完善的系统改进方案。

    The paper analyses and put forward improvement schemes of the Third Physical distribution system of the chain-store logistics on the base of the theory of the supply train and systems .

  20. 随着第三方物流配送业的发展,很多企业为降低物流成本,越来越倾向于把原来由自己承担的运输任务外包给第三方物流企业。

    With the development of third Party Logistic delivery business , more and more corporations incline to outsource their delivery tasks to the third party logistic companies in order to lower their own logistic cost .

  21. 针对这一问题,论文建立了基于第三方物流的配送车合理保有量的计算模型。

    In response to this problem , the article establishes a mathematical model on the basis of the third-party logistics to calculate the reasonable holding volume of distribution vehicles .

  22. 部队第三方物流分送式配送建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of Army Third Party Logistic Transportation

  23. 物流方面,麦德龙应通过发展第三方物流、组建配送中心等方式尽快地完善自己的物流体系,以实现商品低成本高效率的流转。

    In logistics , Metro should improve logistics level by developing TPL and building distribution center .

  24. 在解决货主与车主之间的互相信任问题上,本系统引入了第三方,即物流配送中心。

    To solve the trust problem of trade companies , this system has introduced the third party , namely logistics providing and delivering center .

  25. 电子商务和第三方物流是物流配送现代化的标志性特征,它们能够推动和反映物流配送现代化进程,进而可以成为对其评判的标准。

    Its remarkable features are E-commerce and TPL which promote and reflect the process of logistics distribution modernization . So they are one of evaluating standards .

  26. 因此,如何根据订单和第三方物流中心的配送安排情况选择第三方物流中心从而判断能否接受订单是亟待解决的关键问题。

    So the key problem is how to select Third Party Logistics centers in accordance to order and the capability planning of Third Party Logistics center .

  27. 但是,第三方物流的兴起,将极大地改善企业的物流状况。因此,建立现代化的第三方物流配送中心是形势发展的必然趋势。

    With the advent of 3PL , it help to improve the condition of the enterprises logistics and decrease the cost , as a result , establishing distribution center in 3PL enterprise is the inevitable trend .

  28. 第三,对三种配送模式的运行系统分别进行了设计,并阐述了集约型配送模式和第三方配送模式的实现途径。

    The paper designs the operating systems of the three models , shows their operating theories by pictures , and discusses how to realize the integrated and being virtual distribution model .