
  1. 第二,传播内容严重缺失科学精神。

    Secondly , communication content has serious deficiencies in scientific spirit .

  2. 第二章传播新技术与社会风险:社会环境与逻辑关联是正文的第一部分,也是整个论文所要分析的对象、背景和框架。

    The second chapter " new communication technologies and social risks : social circumstances and logic relationship " is the first part of the article , it gives the background , frame and object of the dissertation .

  3. 第二章结合传播学的理论,讨论了生活服务类电视栏目策划的意义和原则。

    Chapter II , combining communication theories , talks about the significance and principle of scheming the Life Service TV programs .

  4. 第二章从传播学角度提出本文的理论基础,运用传播学的原理分析体育营销传播的相关问题。

    Chapter II put forward the theoretical basis for this article , use the communication theory to analyze Sports Marketing Communications related issues .

  5. 截止到2011年9月,这次金融危机的影响仍在蔓延,甚至有人认为金融危机已开始了第二波的传播过程。

    Up to September 2011 , its effect is still breeding and infesting . It is said that the second-round propagation of the financial crisis may already occurred .

  6. 白纹伊蚊是亚洲第二种登革热传播媒介,近几年已在美国、几个拉丁美洲和加勒比国家、部分欧洲和非洲国家扎下了根。

    In recent years , Aedes albopictus , a secondary dengue vector in Asia , has become established in the United States , several Latin American and Caribbean countries , parts of Europe and Africa .

  7. 第二章从传播学的角度,首先从微观产业入手,论述了影响大众文学审美价值的几种传播因素,并分析了这些传播因素与大众文学作品审美价值的内在互动关系。

    The second chapter from the perspective of communication , first of all start from the micro industry , discusses the aesthetic value of popular literature of several communication factors , and analysis of these factors and the public dissemination of literary interaction between the intrinsic aesthetic value .

  8. 第二部分,使用传播学理论阐释实证研究的结果。

    Part two , use communication theory to explain empirical findings .

  9. 论品牌传播第二部分是品牌传播设计策略研究。

    Part two discusses Brand Communication Design strategy .

  10. 第二,核事故传播潜在构成一个完整而独特的媒介环境体系。

    Secondly , the spread of nuclear accident would potentially form a complete and unique media environment system .

  11. 第二,网络新闻传播的跨国性质因为文化的异质性造成交流隔阂进而引起文化冲突。

    Second , the international character of news communication on the Internet causes cultural conflicts due to heterogeneity of different cultures .

  12. 第二章对营销传播的基本理论包括营销传播的作用、过程、渠道和方式等内容进行了阐述;

    I make an introduction to the basic theories including the function , process , channel and manner of marketing communication in chapter 2 ;

  13. 第二节微博信息传播新模式根据微博的传播现象及交往理论,构建了微博信息传播的新模式。

    The second section " The Information Communication Mode of Microblog " builds a new mode of information communication by microblog according to the phenomena of microblog and communication theory .

  14. 第二,分别从传播的自然条件、传播载体、传播受众以及伽利略本人的态度等四个方面比较了在中西传播的异同。

    Secondly , comparison is made between the propagation in China and that in the West from four aspects , namely natural conditions , propagation carriers , audience and personal attitudes of Galileo .

  15. 第二、时尚的传播机制&时尚的群体效应主要依赖大众传播媒介,而时尚传播的物质载体,则主要是消费商品。

    Second , the transmission mechanism of fashion - fashion groups mainly depend on the effect of the mass media , fashion and the spread of material carriers , are mainly consumer goods .

  16. 第二,强化对外传播媒介的力量,采取多种手段,如充分利用我国的对外传播媒介、整合对外传播渠道、设立海外发行公司等,综合推动中国电视剧的对外传播。

    Second , various means should be adopted to strengthen the power of external communication , such as making full use of our external communication media , integrating foreign transmission channels , establishing overseas distribution companies .

  17. 第二步分析微博传播下肉制品企业网络舆情危机的概念内涵、肉制品消费中存在的问题、以及肉制品企业网络舆情危机的原因。

    The second step analyzes the concept of microblogging environment and the meat production corporate network public opinion crisis , meat production consumption problems and the reasons for the meat production business network public opinion crisis .

  18. 实现更新的一致性主要涉及两个方面:第一是各个数据副本的组织策略以及如何在副本之间传播数据更新,第二是更新数据传播到达目标节点后如何保证多个副本的数据是一致的。

    It includes two aspects to achieve update consistency : one is the organization strategy of different data copies among peers and the update propagation , another one is how to deliver the update message according to data consistency when they accepted by the receiving peer .