
  • 网络Advertising Survey;Advertisement Survey;advertising research
  1. 女:目前来说,我专门做量化广告调查,也就是说我做两个项目。

    W : Well , at the moment , I specialize in quantitative advertising research , which means that I do two types of projects .

  2. facebook用户会自动纳入与datalogix进行的广告调查,不能通过facebook账号直接弃权。

    Facebook users are automatically included in the advertising studies conducted with datalogix , and cannot directly opt out through their Facebook account .

  3. 报纸人力资源广告调查分析

    A Study and Analysis : Human Resources Advertisements on Newspapers

  4. 一些专家还建议邮寄广告调查,邀请人们做出回应。

    Some experts even suggest sending out mailshot surveys which invite responses from your address book .

  5. 谷歌(Google)与美国联邦检察人员达成了一项金额高达5亿美元、意义重大的和解协议,以中止检方针对谷歌接受来自销售非法医药品企业的广告的调查。

    Google has reached a landmark $ 500m settlement with federal prosecutors to halt a criminal investigation into its acceptance of advertisements from companies selling unlicensed pharmaceuticals .

  6. 经过美国联邦政府长达三年的关于网络药物广告的调查之后,CNN最近证实网络搜索巨头谷歌即将面对一项高达500万美元的罚单。

    Internet search giant Google is bracing for a fine that could top $ 500 million , after a federal probe of illegal online pharmacy ads placed on the website over the past three years , CNN has confirmed .

  7. 合肥市区烟草广告发布现状调查与分析

    Investigation of Tobacco Advertisements Status in Urban Areas of Hefei

  8. 公众对不同媒体广告态度的调查研究

    The Investigation on Attitude of Local Public Toward Advertising

  9. 我国医药卫生期刊药品器械类广告发布规范调查

    A Survey on Publication Standards of Medical Drug and Device Advertisements Published in Core Medical Journals in China

  10. 今天我要向各位告的是为“大厨师”广告所做调查的结果。

    I 'm here today to present my research about the advertisingcampaign for the Kitchen Master microwave oven .

  11. 今天我要向各位报告的是为“大厨师”微波炉广告所做调查的结果。

    I 'm here today to present my research about the advertising campaign for the Kitchen Master microwave oven .

  12. 通过对户外广告的实地调查研究,更加充分地认识到户外广告在街道景观构建中发挥的重要作用。

    Important roles of outdoor advertisement in the landscape of the street structures are fully realized by making abundant research on outdoor advertisement .

  13. 对不同层面的电视体育广告受众的调查数据进行分析,从受众的反馈信息中分析出中国电视体育广告的效应如何。

    Thirdly , analyze the survey data of different levels of TV sports advertisement audience , and then analyzing its effect situation from the audience feedback information .

  14. 并通过对古城西安旅游广告现状的调查分析,明确了西安旅游形象广告的视觉定位。

    And through the ancient city of Xi ' an tourism advertisements survey of the status quo , a clear image of the Xi ' an tourism advertising visual positioning .

  15. 本文对上海居民旅游广告认知的调查数据进行实证分析,考查旅游广告的认知与旅游消费决策之间的相关关系,对旅行社进行旅游广告提出建议。

    The author pays attention to the correlations between cognition to tourism advertisement and tourism consumption decision and makes suggestions to the travel agency based on investigation on resident in shanghai .

  16. 市场对这令人鼓舞的就业增长数据将持怀疑态度,因为这份统计中的许多工作都只是兼职工作,而且就业广告和就业调查都在减少。

    The market will slightly discount this encouraging reading in job growth , as many of the gains were in part time work and job adverts and surveys are all pointing lower .

  17. 在2005年,她在新加坡进行了首次广告代理形象调查,目前正针对中国广告市场开展一项更有深度的调查研究。

    In2005 , she led the research in the first ever Agency Image Survey in Singapore , and is now rolling out an even more ambitious in-depth study of the China advertising market .

  18. 我针对广告作过一些调查,有一些重要的信息和你分享。

    I did some research on advertisements , and have some very important information to share with you .

  19. 后发院校广告学专业教育调查&以武汉科技学院广告学专业为个案大卫学到了很多广告业上的专门词语。

    The Investigation on Advertising Speciality Education of Later University ; David learns a number of new expressions which have a particular meaning in the world of advertising .

  20. 一份来自世界广告研究中心的调查显示,在2005年57%的欧洲人称当他们要寻找商品或服务时第一反应会去翻黄页。

    A survey by the World Advertising Research Center found that in2005,57 % of Europeans said they would turn first to the printed yellow pages when seeking goods and services .

  21. 不过,之前还没有政府机构针对其搜索和搜索广告服务展开正式调查,尽管布鲁塞尔和华盛顿官员都曾经示意这种审查或许会成为必要之举。

    However , no government agency had previously started an official enquiry into its search and search-advertising services , despite indications from officials in both Brussels and Washington that such a review might become necessary .

  22. 本文是从对网络受众关于网络广告侵权的网络调查问卷开始,通过数据来发现受众对网络广告的感受及网络广告的基本发展现状。

    This article is based on series of data , which analyzed from the network audience on the infringement of online advertising network survey , and then we discover the feelings of the audience for online advertising and online advertising development status .

  23. 而且,梅西父子的广告交易遭法院调查后不久,他们已于2013年同意补缴500万欧元的税款——被控偷逃的款项加上利息。

    Furthermore , Messi and his father have agreed to make an additional tax payment of 5 million euros - covering the alleged unpaid taxes as well as interest charges - in 2013 , shortly after their advertising deals were placed under court investigation .

  24. 这则制作成本不到2000美元的广告在无数重大赛事广告调查中胜出,而比赛前后几周中多力多滋的销售也实现增长。

    The spot , which cost just under $ 2,000 to craft , won numerous big-game ad polls , and sales of the snack increased during the weeks surrounding the game .

  25. 平面广告作品创作程序依次是广告调查、广告定位、设计表现,其中重点为广告调查、设计表现。

    The creation procedure of the graphic advertising design is advertisement survey , advertisement positioning and design show in turn . Among them , the emphasis focuses on advertisement survey and design show .

  26. 进而阐述了广告策划创新的内容:广告市场调查的创新、广告定位的创新、广告创意表现的创新、广告媒体投放的创新。

    And than , the thesis illustrates the four solutions of creative ads plan , including ad market research innovation , ad targeting innovation , ad creative performance innovation , ad media delivery innovation .