
  1. 这是因为,liffe的欧洲同业拆借利率期货和期权、或是芝加哥商品交易所(chicagomercantileexchange)的欧洲美元期货等金融产品,是利润的来源。

    This is because financial products such as Euribor futures and options on LIFFE or Eurodollar Futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are where the money is .

  2. 这篇论文对远期利率协议、利率互换、利率期货、利率期权等金融衍生工具在利率风险控制中的运用做了初步的探讨。

    The other is that , to control interest rate risks , the essay details the use of financial derivatives , such as FRA , interest swaps , interest future and interest options .