
  • 网络Stakeholder Analysis
  1. 主要包括农业保险的利益相关者分析、备选制度体系的成本有效性分析。

    Mainly includes agricultural insurance stakeholder analysis , optional system cost effectiveness analysis .

  2. 基于利益相关者分析的安全生产投资社会评价研究

    Research on Social Assessment for Work Safety Investment Based on Stakeholder Analysis

  3. 本论文采用规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法,运用大连某污水处理厂的实际案例,对BOT项目的利益相关者分析、风险的识别与应对给与验证,进一步加深对风险管理的认识。

    Lastly , combing normative analysis with positive analysis method , I use the case of some sewage factory in Dalian to verify methods of BOT project and accelerate understandings to risks of BOT project .

  4. 高等教育考试改革中的利益相关者分析

    An Analysis of the Interest-concerned Groups in the Examination Reform of Higher Education

  5. 天然林保护的利益相关者分析&基于对天然林保护地区的典型案例分析

    Analysis of Stakeholders of the Natural Forest Protection Based on a Typical Case

  6. 土地利用总体规划的核心利益相关者分析

    Analysis of Core Stakeholders in Land-use Overall Planning

  7. 新型农村合作医疗供方支付方式的利益相关者分析

    The stakeholder analysis of the delivery payment in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme

  8. 基于利益相关者分析的公众参与城市更新研究

    Study on Urban Renewal Based on Stakeholder Analysis from the Perspective of Public Participation

  9. 利益相关者分析方法在卫生政策改革中的应用

    Stakeholder Analysis Method in Health Policy Reform

  10. 投资项目利益相关者分析

    Analysis of Investment Project Stakeholders

  11. 利益相关者分析:将居民健康档案涉及的利益相关者分为主要利益相关者、次要利益相关者及外部利益相关者。

    Stakeholders of the residents ' health records are classified as major stakeholders , secondary stakeholders and external stakeholders .

  12. 战略项目实施工具主要分析了实施力量分析、利益相关者分析、吸引力与实施难度分析、远景分析、工具的集成应用。

    These tools are : root cause analysis , implementation forces analysis , stakeholder analysis , attractiveness / implementation difficulty analysis , uncertainty / importance analysis , etc.

  13. 提出了企业战略三定律,构建了企业重要环境因素识别模型,并初步进行了重要因素的利益相关者分析和资源能力分析,还探讨了模型在组织结构方面的保证。

    Corporate strategy three Laws were proposed , and a model of identifying the significant environmental facts was build . We analyzed how the important factors influenced the stakeholders and resource capabilities .

  14. 本文对房地产企业进行了利益相关者分析,从多个角度深度剖析了房地产企业的社会责任内容,并基于制度理论和利益相关者理论构建了房地产企业社会责任驱动概念模型。

    And it deeply explores the elements of CSR in many aspects . Based on the systems theory and the stakeholder theory , the thesis establishes a CSR conceptual model for real estate enterprises .

  15. 第八章在进行退耕还林工程利益相关者分析的基础上,引入经典博弈理论和进化博弈理论对农户参与退耕还林行为选择机理做进一步分析。

    Chapter Eight further examines the mechanism options for the households , introducing the classical game theory and the evolutionary game theory , on the basis of the analysis of stakeholders in the program .

  16. 本文对于综合评价中发现的问题,以案例介绍和评价的方式对项目开展中遇到的困难利用利益相关者分析等方法进行了分析。

    For the problems identified through the comprehensive evaluation , we have analyzed the reasons and the difficulties in the form of case study by employing various methods , such as stakeholders , policy analysis method , etc.

  17. 论文通过利益相关者分析,指出国家级森林公园投资管理过程实质上是政府与投资运营商之间进行的不完全信息动态博弈过程。

    Analysis by stakeholder theory , we think that the national forest park investment management is a game process , which includes two main players , and the game process is a dynamic game with incomplete information .

  18. 在介绍该理论的基础上,针对我国现行医生激励机制的局限性,从利益相关者分析这一新的视角,探讨医生激励机制构建的新思路。

    Based on the stakeholder theory and with reference to the limitation of the current doctor motivation mechanism , the thesis explores the new ideas to construct the doctor motivation mechanism in terms of the stakeholder theory .

  19. 方法:运用利益相关者分析法分别对河南省艾滋病在预防控制政策、医疗救治政策、帮扶救助政策以及经费和补助政策进行分析评价。

    Methods : interests analytic approaches were used to evaluate AIDS policies such as the policy of prevention and control , the policy of medicil aid , the policy of Medicaid and the policy of funds and subsidy .

  20. 目前,对工程项目管理进行利益相关者分析,尚处于探索阶段。

    So far , the analysis of construction project from the stakeholders ' angle has just at the stage of exploration . There is vital significance to explore the success criteria of large scale construction projects from the view of stakeholders .

  21. 在对建筑外墙保温节能利益相关者分析的基础上,建立了有关决策主体的目标矩阵,并对其成本&效益进行深入分析,构建了外墙外保温生命期成本模型。

    Based on analyzing related benefit entity involved in exterior wall external insulation for buildings , the paper establishes target matrix for related decision subject ; by further analyzes their cost-value system ; constructs life cycle cost model for exterior wall external insulation .

  22. 包括:艾滋病防治政策的目标,艾滋病防治相关的政策文本,艾滋病防治政策的执行概况,艾滋病防治政策执行现状的评估以及艾滋病防治政策执行过程中的利益相关者分析。

    Include : AIDS prevention and control policy objectives , policy texts related to AIDS prevention , AIDS prevention and control policy implementation overview of the status of implementation of AIDS prevention policies and the assessment of the implementation of AIDS prevention policies in the process of stakeholder analysis .

  23. 第二章主要将有关IPO定价的国内、外文献进行评述,并将研究的理论基础进行总结,进而对IPO定价过程利益相关者行为分析。

    Chapter 2 is main to introduce the actuality of studying in the domestic and the overseas , and carry on the theories foundation of the research to summary , analyzes action of stakeholders interactional frame in the pricing IPOs .

  24. 高校后勤实体利益相关者博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Beneficiaries of Rear-service Group in Tertiary Institutes

  25. 企业并购的利益相关者行为分析

    Analysis of Stakeholders ' Behavior in Merger and Acquisition

  26. 食品安全的利益相关者行为分析及其规制研究

    Food Safety Stakeholders ' Behavioral Analysis and Regulation Study

  27. 产学研联盟及其利益相关者风险分析与治理研究

    Study on the Risk Analysis and Management of I-U R Union Its Stakeholders

  28. 本文从利益相关者角度分析了企业文化对企业绩效的作用机理。

    This paper analyses the mechanism of enterprise culture on enterprise performance from the perspective of stakeholders .

  29. 利用利益相关者理论分析界定了政府投资项目核心利益相关者,并根据利益相关的类型,定义分析了核心利益相关者的利益诉求。

    Define the core stakeholders needs of the government investment projects , based on the stakeholders analysis .

  30. 磷酸铝镍介孔催化材料的低热固相合成及形成机理大学声誉形成机理与管理策略&基于利益相关者的分析

    Synthesis of Nickel Aluminophosphate Mesoporous Catalytic Material via Solid State Reaction at Low Temperature and Its Formation Mechanism