
  1. 传统的会计利润观念已成为中国经济发展的桎梏,要有一个新观念,新办法,解决和克服困难。

    Traditional accounting view has become a bar for Chinese economy .

  2. 本期经营成果的利润观念

    Current operating performance concept of profit Period of Responsibility of Multi-modal Transport Operator

  3. 本文引入市场营销理念,就医院品牌建设,顺应当今的注意力经济时代,树立长期利润观念,进行了探讨,对提高医院的市场竞争力,更好的迎接挑战有所裨益。

    The text discussed the methods to construct hospital brand , conform attention of economic ages and establish " long - term profits " idea with the principle of " Market Marketing " which would help hospital to improve hospital market competence to meet challenge .

  4. 加强以利润为导向的观念与管理策略。

    Enforce the profit-oriented concept and management strategy .