
  1. 鲁西北地区农户家庭农地规模经营行为分析

    Analysis on household management behavior of agricultural land size in Northwest Shandong

  2. 股份合作制:农地规模经营的一种有效形式

    Shareholding Cooperative System : An Effective Form of Scale Management of Farmland

  3. 农地规模经营制约因素分析及对策

    An Analysis of Large-scale Management of Farmland and Corresponding Countermeasures

  4. 通过土地流转、使土地集中连片,实现农地规模经营,能够有效地配置土地资源。

    To allocate resources efficiently can by the measure of land circulation and scale operation .

  5. 农地规模经营是实现农业机械化的必由之路农地制度、土地规模与农业生产绩效

    Mechanization of Agriculture : Farmland Large-Scale Management Land System , Land Scale and Agricultural Production Performance

  6. 论农村家庭承包经营的稳定与农业规模化农地规模经营是实现农业机械化的必由之路

    On the Stability of Household Contracted System and Agricultural Scale ; Mechanization of Agriculture : Farmland Large-Scale Management

  7. 农地规模经营成为是解决三农问题的有效途径。

    Moderate scale management emerges at the right moment , which is an effective way to solve three agricultural problems .

  8. 这为扩大农地规模经营、优化土地资源配置、增强农业基础性地位起到了积极作用。

    This scale of operation for the expansion of agricultural land and optimize allocation of land resources , and enhance the fundamental position of agriculture . It has played a positive role .

  9. 在生产环节性流转与经营权流转转换中的这两种路径,更多的只是流转模式的不同来推动农地规模经营,这也跟当地经济的发展水平存在较大关系。

    In the switching processes of transfering of production and the transfering of the operation right , the scale operation of farmland is much more promoted by different transfer models , which has something to do with the local economic development .

  10. 通过这四种不同的流转路径引领不同经济水平下的农地规模经营,对于更好的理解农地规模经营的演进和政府制定政策具有重大的指导意义。

    Through these four different transfer paths leading the scale operations of farmland under different economic levels , it is much better for us to understand the evolvement of scale management of farmland and instructive significance on government to make policies .

  11. 城乡统筹背景下农地适度规模经营问题探讨

    Moderate Scale Management of Agricultural Land in the Context of Urban-rural Integration

  12. 苏南地区农地适度规模经营研究

    Studies on Farmland Moderate Scale Management in Southern Jiangsu

  13. 非农产业发达地区弃耕现象与农地适度规模经营探讨&以福建省泉州市为例

    Derelict land and farmland management in proper scale in the localities with developed non-agricultural industries

  14. 因此农地规模化经营已成为历史的必然。

    As a result , the large-scale operation of agricultural land has become a historical necessity .

  15. 四川欠发达地区农地适度规模经营现状与对策研究

    Study on the Current Situations and Countermeasures of Moderate Farmland Scale-management in Less-developed Areas of Sichuan

  16. 为以后推进和发展农地适度规模经营提供理论借鉴和实践启示。

    The research provided theory reference and practice enlightenment for promoting and developing scale of agriculture land management .

  17. 应当说,通过土地流转,实行农地适度规模经营,这已经是理论研究和实践探索的共识。

    Furthermore , it has been agreed by the theoretical research and practical exploration that the moderate scale management of farmland should be conducted through land transference .

  18. 这些企业在县域主导农业产业的优化选择和持续稳定发展、农地规模化经营和农业科学技术的有效推广,以及县域农业的外向型经济发展方面发挥关键促进作用。

    These enterprises play key positive roles in selection and durative development of leading agriculture , large scale agriculture land management and popularization of the agricultural scientific technology , as well as the development of agricultural export-oriented economy in county area .

  19. 中国农地流转和规模经营中存在的问题与三农问题的形成有密切关联,也是农业现代化发展缓慢的主要原因。

    These problems are closely related to three & dimensional rural problems . Also they are the main reasons for slow development of agricultural modernization .

  20. 而我国正处于向小康社会迈进的关键时期,因此适当的农地流转和规模化经营不仅有利于增加农民收入,而且能够有效的提高土地资源配置效率。

    China is going to be a well-being country , so the appropriate land circulation and large-scale management are not only benefit to increase farmers ' income , protect farmers ′ interests , but also improving the efficiency of land resources .

  21. 以两个反哺理念为指导,提出了促进农地流转以发展农地规模经营,提高劳动者素质、引进科技人才以优化农村人力资源,扩大融资渠道以保障金融支撑的对策建议。

    So it is necessary to put new two back-feeding theory in rural land scale management . We need to encourage rural land circulating to develop rural land scale management , enhance peasant quality to optimize rural human resource , enlarge financing channel to ensure finance support .

  22. 这对进一步促进中国农地流转,发展土地市场和农地规模经营以及推进中国农业发展具有基础性的作用。

    This will more promote land transformation and develop land market and scale management and agriculture development .

  23. 土地承包经营权入股具有更充分利用农地资源、规范土地使用权流转、促进农地规模经营等功效。

    The contracted land shareholder has more made full use of land resources , regulate land use rights transfer , and promote the farmland scale operation , such as effectiveness .

  24. 这种农地经营制度具有规范土地使用权流转、促进农地规模经营等功效,对于优化土地利用、促进农村经济发展具有积极意义。

    The system has effects of standardizing transfer of land-use right , promoting large-scale farmland management , it has positive sense to optimize land utilization and promote the rural economic development .

  25. 实践和研究证明,农地流转对优化农地资源配置、调整农业产业结构、促进农地的规模经营效益具有重要作用。

    Practice and research shows that the agricultural land transfer in optimization of agricultural land resources , adjusting the agricultural structure , and promote operational efficiency of scale of agricultural land plays an important role .

  26. 对照日本和台湾的农地制度改革,发现二者虽然在农业劳动力转移上取得了较大成功,但是在农地规模经营上却是不尽人意,究其因,乃是土地私有制在作祟。

    Contrasting the farmland system of Japanese and Taiwan are reformed , we have found the two made greater success in the agricultural workforce shifted , but it is less than satisfactory to have in the appropriate scale of operation of farmland .