
  • 网络inner influences
  1. 关于CEO薪酬和公司绩效是关系研究主要基于以下两个主线展开:一是论证公司绩效对董事会的内在影响,检验公司绩效对CEO薪酬的影响。

    Research on CEO pay and corporate performance is based on two main lines : First , it demonstrated the inherent influence of corporate performance to the board , and tests the impact of corporate performance on CEO pay .

  2. 首先,本文通过建立非线性LSTR模型,深刻揭示了我国保险对经济增长的内在影响机制。

    Firstly , we evaluate the intrinsic influence mechanism of insurance development on economic growth by employing the non-linear STR model .

  3. 同时《现代评论》也受到传统文化的内在影响,中西文化的冲突和融合在《现代评论》身上均有所体现。

    Meanwhile , Modern Critique was influenced by traditional culture interiorly .

  4. 中国与新西兰医患信任的内在影响因素

    Intrinsic Factors of Doctor-patient Trust Relationships between China and New Zealand

  5. 商业银行规模经济及其内在影响因素实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Scale Economies and Internal Effects in Commercial Banks

  6. 民族国家精神是法律的内在影响力量。

    National spirit has a great influence on law .

  7. 港口吞吐量的内在影响因素提取

    Distilling Inner Influencing Factors on Port Throughput

  8. 医学生临床实习内在影响因素的分析及对策

    Analysis of internal factors influencing medical students during their clinical practice and some possible solutions

  9. 信息披露质量对信息不对称水平的内在影响机制研究

    The Study of the Effects of the Quality of Information Disclosure on the Information Asymmetry

  10. 论传播环境的变迁对文学写作的内在影响

    On the Changes in the Environment of Spread and the Internal Influence of Literary Writing

  11. 三段论推理中的个体内在影响因素

    The Individual Internal Influencing Factors in Syllogism

  12. 这种社会角色的历史互换现象,对于中国现代文学的发展运行过程,产生了深刻而巨大的内在影响。

    This historical interchange of social roles exerted profound influences on the development of Chinese literature .

  13. 喀斯特石漠化内在影响因素分析

    Internal factors influencing Karst rocky desertification

  14. 四是探讨了文化对技术创新政策的内在影响。

    Fourthly , the paper probes into the immanent impacts of culture on technology innovation policy .

  15. 退休年龄是内在影响养老保险基金收支平衡的一个重要因素。

    The retirement age is one of the most influential factors that impact on the funding balance .

  16. 目前研究多注重对决策的内在影响因素进行探讨,对决策情境等外在影响因素的研究重视程度不够。

    At present , there are less researches focus on decision environment other than characteristic of internal factors .

  17. 很像精神分裂症但在正常的限度内。民族国家精神是法律的内在影响力量。

    Resembling schizophrenia but remaining within the bounds of normality . National spirit has a great influence on law .

  18. 尤其是组织政治知觉对员工沉默的内在影响机制的实证分析更为鲜见。

    Especially the perception of organizational politics on employee silence internal mechanisms of the influence of positive analysis is less .

  19. 在此基础上,从内在影响因素和外在影响因素的角度对竞争力影响因素进行具体的阐述。

    On this basis , the paper describes the factors affecting the competitiveness from the perspective of internal and external .

  20. 这些观点在思想和逻辑上偏离了现存《庄子》文本的基本内容和根本思想,在观念和逻辑上造成混乱,因此,没有在本质上揭示《庄子》对于中国艺术精神的内在影响。

    Due to these confusions in ideas and logic , he fails to discover the real influence of Zhuang Zi on Chinese arts .

  21. 其所持的小说史观和所构建的小说史,对后世关于小说史的讨论和小说史的构建有着深远的内在影响。

    His history viewpoint and fiction history research , have a far-reaching intrinsic effect to the later discussion and construction of fiction history .

  22. 意在说明,现代主义诗歌的发生因素之一端:西南联大的学院精神对这一重要的诗歌形态的内在影响。

    It intends to demonstrate that the academic spirit of Lianda may have uniquely contributed to the emergence and even the maturity of Chinese modern poems .

  23. 本章结合具体的历史时代背景,对作品的公开与潜在的不同接受现象进行概述,并深入阐释其内在影响力量。

    In the specific historical context , this chapter sums up both the public and potent reception of this work , and shows the power of its influence .

  24. 生产要素是产业发展的内在影响因素,其合理配置直接影响到产业的健康发展和最终的市场绩效。

    Production factors is internal factors for the development of the industry , the reasonable configuration directly affect the healthy development of the industry and the market performance .

  25. 其次对农户个人信用水平对贷款利率内在影响做了叙述,并叙述现在农村信用社贷款利率形成的方法。

    Second described the level of farmer personal credit inner affect the loan interest rate , and giving the method that the RCC forme the loan rate right now .

  26. 本文主要讨论内在影响因素,也就是实习生自身、学校、医院三者对临床实习效果的影响,并分析原因,找出对策。

    This paper attempts to analyze the influence of the former , namely the university , hospitals and the students themselves , then some possible solutions are worked out .

  27. 实证部分通过构建空间计量经济模型,挖掘省域产业结构差异的真实表现和内在影响因素,得到一些有益的结论。

    Then in the empirical part , spatial econometric models are constructed to show the provincial real difference in the performance of the industrial structure and the internal reasons .

  28. 从内、外两个方面对影响中层管理者执行力的因素来看,其中外在影响因素主要包括战略、人员和制度流程,内在影响因素主要包括中层管理者的管理能力、领悟能力和应变能力。

    Both external factors and internal factors influence the execution capability of middle-rank managers : external factors include strategy , staff and institution internal factors include management capability , comprehend capability and flexibility ;

  29. 介绍了几种常见的离散数据滤波算法,分析了在电厂热工锅炉汽包水位中滤波测点数据的特性以及其对滤波算法的内在影响,在此基础上得出一种新的变加权离散滤波算法。

    A few and familiar methods of filtering are introduced . And the inside influence of the filtering methods which are infected by characteristic of the data in Boiler Water Level is analyzed .

  30. 本文通过收集中国陆上主要含油气盆地和油气田的勘探历史资料,模拟了它们的勘探效益变化趋势,并分析了我国油气勘探效益的变化规律及其内在影响因素。

    Through collecting petroleum exploration data of major onshore oil-gas-bearing basins and oil fields in China , we modeled and analyzed some changing trend of petroleum exploration benefit and intrinsic elements influencing its variation .