
  • 网络agricultural prices;price of agricultural products;farm price
  1. 近年来,全球农产品价格上涨引起各方面的关注。

    In recent years , global agricultural prices have aroused concern .

  2. 第二年,即1922年,农产品价格略有回升。

    Agricultural prices recovered slightly during the following year , 1922 .

  3. 基于GIS的我国农产品价格的区域差异和空间分区

    Price regional differences and space subareas of Chinese agricultural products based on GIS

  4. 研究Web信息提取的过程,并利用粗集方法实现对于来自Web的大批量农产品价格数据的挖掘过程。

    It studies the process of Web information retrieval , and by rough set theory , the data mining was completed about the agriculture product price from Web .

  5. 全球农产品价格料将上涨。此前,美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)在其最新市场数据中强调,玉米、小麦和大豆的库存低于预期。

    The world faces higher agricultural commodity prices after the US Department of Agriculture highlighted smaller-than-expected stocks of corn , wheat and soyabeans in its latest market update .

  6. 加入WTO后,大宗农产品价格稳中趋降,比较优势农产品价格具有竞争优势。

    After entry into WTO , staple agricultural product price is generally stable but tends to decline , and relatively advantageous agricultural product price has superiority in competition .

  7. 国际农产品价格波动对国内农产品价格的传递效应&基于VAR模型的实证研究

    The Pass-through Effect of Fluctuation of International Agricultural Products on Domestic Agricultural Products : an Empirical Study Based on VAR Model

  8. ARIMA模型在农产品价格预测中的应用

    Application of ARIMA model in forecasting agricultural product price

  9. 近年来,CPI持续上涨,人们也越来越关注与日常生活息息相关的农产品价格问题。

    In recent years , CPI continued to rise , people are increasingly concerned with the everyday life of agricultural products prices .

  10. 世界银行总裁罗伯特佐利克(robertzoellick)周二表示“农产品价格风险管理”工具显示了“理性的金融工程”可以胜任哪些使命。

    Robert Zoellick , World Bank President , said on Tuesday that the " agriculture price risk management " tool showed what " sensible financial engineering " could do .

  11. 这项协议是与投资银行摩根大通(jpmorgan)达成的,此时中国与印度刚刚安然度过2007至2008年粮食危机过后的第二次农产品价格上涨。

    The deal , struck with investment bank JPMorgan , comes as countries such as China and India weather a second surge in agricultural commodities prices following the 2007-08 food crisis .

  12. 农业官员与交易商担心,随着拉尼娜(LaNiña)气候现象的恶化,农产品价格可能会进一步上涨。拉尼娜现象通常会给阿根廷、巴西和美国等重要农产国带来干旱天气。

    Agricultural officials and traders are worried that agricultural commodities prices could rise further as the La Ni ñ a weather phenomenon , which usually brings dryness to the key growing areas of Argentina , Brazil and the US , intensifies .

  13. 这些土地已被纳入“保护区规划”(CPR),此处的农场主被人付钱,以便让这片土地保持闲置状态,目的是维护农产品价格。

    This is land that has been put into the Conservation Reserve Program ( CPR ) whereby the farmer is paid to keep this land idle so as to support crop prices .

  14. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)驻香港的李晶(jingulrich)认为,由于耕地面积减少和水资源短缺等问题,中国农产品价格上涨已成为“结构性”问题,而非周期性问题。

    Jing Ulrich , of JPMorgan in Hong Kong , believes higher farm prices in China have become " structural " rather than cyclical because of declining stocks of arable land and water problems .

  15. 农产品价格上扬,再加上石油和金属价格上涨,促使路透/杰佛瑞大宗商品期货价格指数(reuters-jefferiescrb)升至两年高点。

    The agricultural rally , coupled with stronger oil and metals prices , propelled the reuters-jefferies CRB commodities index to a two-year high .

  16. 结果表明ARIMA(0,1,1),(0,1,1)模型能很好地模拟并预测时鲜农产品价格,为农产品市场信息的准确预测提供重要方法。图6,表3,参8。

    The results showed that ARIMA ( 0,1,1 ),( 0,1,1 ) could correctly simulate and forecast the price of fresh agricultural products , providing an important method for accurately predicting the market information of agricultural products .

  17. 多年来,Intuit让微软公司(Microsoft)和其他众多潜在的竞争对手都甘拜下风,现在,它正向新的细分市场挺进,比如能帮病人理解医疗账单或让农民追踪农产品价格的手机应用程序。

    Having faced down Microsoft and many other would-be competitors over the years , intuit is now branching into new markets like mobile apps that help patients make sense of medical billing statements or farmers track commodity prices .

  18. 联合国粮农组织(FAO)警告,世界面临粮食价格冲击。该组织的农产品价格基准指数上个月大幅上涨,创下名义新高,超过了2007-08年粮食危机时的水平。

    The world faces a food price shock , the Food and Agricultural Organisation warned , after its benchmark index of farm commodities prices shot up to a nominal record last month , surpassing the levels of the 2007-08 food crisis .

  19. 在7a旱地玉米保护性耕作试验研究基础上,根据山西省寿阳县农业生产的各种投入和农产品价格,对比分析了保护性耕作技术和传统耕作的经济效益。

    Based on 7 year study on conservation tillage for maize in dryland and Shouyang local production inputs and prices of farm prducts , economic benefits of conservation tillage and conventional tillage are analyzed .

  20. 联合国粮农组织(UNFAO)周二警告称,今年下半年,农产品价格很可能继续维持在高位波动的走势。这一迹象表明,粮食涨价压力不会在近期内减轻。

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation on Tuesday warned that agricultural commodities prices were likely to remain high and volatile for the rest of the year , in a sign that food inflationary pressures would not ease any time soon .

  21. 四是主要食用农产品价格小幅回落。

    Fourth , prices of major edible agricultural products dropped slightly .

  22. 宁夏农产品价格初探

    A preliminary discussion about the price of agricultural products in Ningxia

  23. 基于指数平滑模型的农产品价格预测研究

    Forecasting Prices of Agricultural Products Based on the Exponential Smoothing Model

  24. 这就是农产品价格飞涨时期。

    That was right around the time produce prices were soaring .

  25. 建立有效的农产品价格机制。

    It need establish an effective agricultural product price mechanism .

  26. 论西方国家农产品价格补贴政策及其影响

    On western policy of price subsidy for agricultural products and its influence

  27. 我国农产品价格调节基金制度研究

    Research on the Agricultural Product Price Regulates the Fund System in China

  28. 农产品价格新一轮上涨的经济学思考

    The Recent Price Rising of Agricultural Produce : Economic Analysis

  29. 政府利用津贴去支撑起农产品价格。

    The government used subsidies to shore up farm prices .

  30. 农产品价格的上涨是由基本面因素推动的。

    The increases we have seen in agriculture prices are fundamentally driven .