
  • 网络Price;Actual price;real price;actual value
  1. 今天,石油的实际价格已经比上世纪初以来的任何时候都高。

    Today , the real price is higher than since the beginning of the previous century .

  2. 以下价格为参考价,实际价格一律以市场价格为准。

    The reference price as follows , and the real price completely depends on the market price .

  3. 名义gdp的根本含义就是,没有经过这种人为操纵、按实际价格计算的收入和支出。

    All that nominal GDP means is income and expenditure at actual prices without this manipulation .

  4. 但历史站在simon这边,在整个20世纪,农矿产品的实际价格在稳定的下跌。

    But Mr Simon also had history on his side : real commodity prices fell steadily throughout the 20th century .

  5. 殊不知法玛早已经检验了EMH对实际价格行为的预测。

    But Mr Fama tested the predictions of the EMH on the behaviour of actual prices .

  6. 第五部分探讨了实现MBO定价的谈判过程中的有关问题,提出了引入招投标规则的国有股转让机制以确认最终MBO的实际价格,并提出了措施建议。

    Thus , the academic price is determined . Part five analyzes the problems in the negotiation process on MBO , and gives out some suggestions about the rules on MBO .

  7. 基于K-均值聚类算法、梯度下降算法和PSO算法优化的RBF网络模型计算的权证理论价格与实际价格的趋势基本一致。

    The tread of warrant theoretical price which is calculated by RBF network model based on K-means clustering algorithm 、 gradient descent and particle swarm optimization algorithm and the actual price is same . 3 .

  8. 据巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)的金融学教授克里斯托夫斯帕杰尔斯(ChristopheSpaenjers)表示,自1952年以来,伦敦售出的艺术品的名义价格已经是当初的逾500倍,剔除通胀后的实际价格是当初的逾20倍。

    According to Christophe Spaenjers , a finance professor at HEC Paris , the price of art at London sales has risen more than 500-fold in nominal terms since 1952 , or 20-fold after inflation .

  9. 本文通过对金融衍市场、金融衍生品以及股票市场的运行、特征的分析,也证明了Black-Scholes期权定价模型不能很好的反映期权的实际价格。

    By analyzing on financial derivatives market , financial derivatives , and the characteristics of stock market running , this paper proves also that the Black-Scholes option pricing model does not reflect the actual price option .

  10. 结果表明,利用修正的LYON定价模型为中国的可转换债券定价是可行的,文章还对所求的理论价格和实际价格的偏差给出了解释。

    The result shows that it is feasible to price the Chinese convertible bond using the adopted LYON pricing model . The author still gave an explanation to the difference between the theory price and the actual price .

  11. 本文运用Black-Scholes公式计算权证的理论价格并和权证实际价格比较,发现权证的实际价格严重偏离理论价格,权证产品处于泡沫时期。

    We calculate the China warrants price in theory by Black - Scholes formula , and compare it with the actual price , and find that the actual price departs from the price in theory , and China warrants are in the bubble period .

  12. 针对四种期权定价模型的对比结果表明,基于q-高斯分布的B-S期权定价模型比标准B-S模型更接近实际价格,而基于高斯和q-高斯分布的两种离散化模型同样高估了期权的价格。

    According to the comparison results of such four option pricing models , they show that the generalized B-S model based on the q-Gaussian distribution is more accurate than standard B-S model and the other two discrete models also overestimate the option prices .

  13. 本文在计算提前执行价值的实证研究中采用CBOE交易的S&P100实际价格,而非从模型中得到的价值。基于该实证研究建立了一个关于提前执行的多元线性回归方程。

    Previous studies in the valuation of American options apparently undervalue the right of early exercise . The empirical analysis of this paper uses actual prices from CBOE 's S & P100 option instead of model-generated values , which gets a linear regression equation .

  14. 这些货物被抬得比他们的实际价格高多了。

    The goods were bid up far beyond their real value .

  15. 铁路客票实际价格水平对运输需求及收入的影响分析

    Analyze the Effect in the Railway Transport Price on Demand and Income

  16. 其次,经济疲软不会马上就对实际价格上涨产生抑制。

    Second , economic weakness does not immediately suppress underlying price pressure .

  17. 他差不多支付了该画实际价格两倍的钱。

    He paid roughly double what the picture was worth .

  18. 购买某物的实际价格。

    The price at which something is actually purchased .

  19. 他说,房价涨得远远超出实际价格,而借贷又太容易。

    He says prices rose unrealistically high and credit was given too easily .

  20. 按实际价格计算,金价的下跌可以持续几年甚至是几十年。

    Gold prices can fall for years , even decades , in real terms .

  21. 2001年,黄金的实际价格并不比1972年高。

    In 2001 , gold was no higher in real terms than in 1972 .

  22. 这体现在了近来钢铁和能源实际价格的上涨上。

    This is shown in recent rises in the real prices of metals and energy .

  23. 该节目会随机挑选参赛者,要他们猜出日用品的实际价格。

    On the show , contestants are randomly selected to guess the correct prices of everyday objects .

  24. 昆明的杨小姐是这起事件的受害者,她去当地一家乐福购物发现商品的实际价格远远超过商品的标价。

    She went to a local Carrefour and found the actual prices far outnumbered their price tags .

  25. 下文讨论的资产中,有许多的实际价格已跌至数十年以来的最低点。

    Many of the assets discussed below are now at the lowest real prices seen in decades .

  26. 但是,自2001年末以来,石油的实际价格已经上涨了近6倍。

    But since the end of 2001 , the real price of oil has risen some six-fold .

  27. 换言之,农户所面临的市场条件的优劣直接影响到市场价格与农户所获得的实际价格之间的差异。

    In other words , market conditions effect on the difference between actual and market price directly .

  28. 俄罗斯表示,双方已经就定价模式而非实际价格达成一致。

    Russia says the two sides have agreed on a price formula , but not an actual price .

  29. 香港股票期权实际价格与理论价格之间的差异及其特征研究

    A Study on the Differences between the Actual and Theoretical Prices of HongKong Stock Options and the Features

  30. 长期以来,可转换公司债券(以下简称可转债)的理论价格与实际价格存在一定的价差。

    There has been discordance between theoretical price and actual price of convertible bonds for a long time .