
  • 网络Physical evidence;real evidence;tangible evidence
  1. 实物证据包括诸如武器、磁带、指纹和被盗的财产等物体。

    Real evidence might include such objects as a weapon , records , fingerprints , or stolen property .

  2. 证实用证据证明为真证据被分为实物证据、言词证据、直接证据和间接证据。

    To substantiate or authenticate with evidence . Evidence is classified as real evidence , testimony , direct evidence , and circumstantial evidence .

  3. 这五件实物证据极具史学价值。

    The five relics discovered are of great historical value .

  4. 警方原来拥有的加勒特·雷诺兹的实物证据

    Turns out the physical evidence that the police had on Garrett Reynolds ,

  5. 一般来讲,证据被划分为两种,间接证据和实物证据。

    In general , evidence is divided into two categories : circumstantial and physical .

  6. 其形式可以粗略分为言词证据、实物证据、电子证据和文件证据;

    Its forms are roughly divided into oral evidence , material evidence , electronic evidence , documentary evidence ;

  7. 其次,分别从实物证据与言词证据两个角度进行了讨论。

    Then , the discussions about material evidence and verbal evidence are respectively made in second and third section .

  8. 治安管理处罚程序中,要排除的非法证据包括言词证据和实物证据。

    The unlawful evidence that needs exclusion in the punishment of public order management includes verbal evidence and object evidence .

  9. 我国刑事法律中严格意义上的非法证据排除规则尚未建立,必须建立我国的非法证据排除规则:绝对排除非法言词证据、原则排除非法取得的实物证据,但特殊情况下也可以采用。

    Unlawful evidence exclusionary rules should be set up since there is no proper unlawful evidence exclusionary rules in Chinese criminal laws .

  10. 在本公司的代表或检验师进行勘查之前,保留事故现场及有关实物证据;

    Preserve the spot affected and defective parts before an inspection is carried out by a representative or surveyor from the Company ;

  11. 分析实物证据的新技术正在迅速发展,私人公司正在成为司法系统日益重要的资源。

    New technologies for analyzing physical evidence are growing rapidly and private companies are becoming an increasingly important resource for the legal system .

  12. 货物种类与信用证一致。一般来讲,证据被划分为两种,间接证据和实物证据。

    The description of the goods matches the credit . In general , evidence is divided into two categories : circumstantial and physical .

  13. 根据证明责任的分担原理,对非法实物证据的排除,一般应由被告方承担证明责任,其证明达到“优势证据”即可;

    According to the rule of proof , the defendant shall assume the burden of proof of illegal real evidence with the standard of " priority evidence " .

  14. 对这些博物馆(院)收藏的明清人物画做一个比较全面的考察,为中西比较美术学的研究工作提供了实物证据。

    Study on the portraits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in these museums will provide the physical evidence to the research of comparison of Chinese and Western art .

  15. 科学家们在以色列的一个洞穴中发现了一个残缺的古代头盖骨。他们认为这是证明人类从非洲向欧洲迁徙理论的第一个实物证据。

    Scientists have found part of an ancient skull in a cave in Israel that they say is the first physical evidence of human migration from Africa to Europe .

  16. 以非法搜查、扣押或其他非法方法获得的实物证据,也应原则排除,同时设立若干例外情形;

    Tangible evidence that searched illegally , detaining or other illegal methods obtained , should be get rid of too , setting up several exceptional situations at the same time .

  17. 最终,我们已经很难发现实物证据,但是我们应该牢记普通大众很难接近具有重大意义的证据。

    In the end , physical proof is very hard to find , but we should always remember that evidence of high importance isn 't really accessible by the public .

  18. 非法取证指采用刑讯逼供或者威胁、引诱、欺骗等非法方法取得的被告人供述、被害人陈述和证人证言以及实物证据等行为。

    " Collect evidence illegally " refers to these behaviors , collecting the defendant 's states , witnesses , and tangible evidence by torture or threaten or seducing into or cheating etc.

  19. 其中,在分析实物证据时,又划分成五小节进行分别分析。

    Among them , the analysis of material evidence is divided into five separate parts . In first part , it analyzes the characteristics of material evidence and its transformation reliability .

  20. 它涉及实物证据(图像)、书写的证据(文献)与背景的研究,三者有着各自的演进序列,各序列之间存在着或交集或补充的互动关系。

    It involves research on objects , historical documents and their background , each of which has its own path of development , and between which there exist complementary and intercrossing relationships .

  21. 但是,对于由这些非法收集的言词证据而派生出来的实物证据,非法收集的实物证据能不能予以排除,刑事诉讼法和相关的司法解释都没有规定。

    But as to the tangible evidence derivates from verbal evidence which are collected illegally , whether it can be removed , there is no stipulation in the criminal procedural law and relevant judicial explanation .

  22. 在审理模式的设定上,非法言词证据原则上应当在正式对案件进行实体审理之前进行审理,而对非法实物证据的排除应当在庭审过程中进行。

    With regard to the hearing pattern , illegal verbal evidence shall be proofed prior to the substantive hearing in principle ; whilist illegal material evidence shall be proofed within the process of substantive hearing .

  23. 非法言词证据与非法实物证据的取舍在标准的掌握上本身无实质性区别,取舍的标准首要在于对非法所涉的法律价值的判断问题。

    The standard of admission or exclusion of oral evidences and real evidences illegally obtained is same in fact , the standard firstly lies in a judgment to the value of law related to illegality .

  24. 两大法系国家关于非法证据排除规则的规定大体包括三个方面的内容:非法取得的实物证据排除、非法取得的言词证据排除以及毒树之果规则。

    The two law system countries have three contents about the exclusive rule of illegal evidence : the exclude of the illegal objects , the exclude of the illegal words , the fruits of the poisonous trees .

  25. 其次,税务稽查证据的分类方法也从证据的表现形式、来源和证明力分为言词证据和实物证据、原始证据和传来证据、直接证据和间接证据。

    Secondly , from the representation , origin and degree of proof , tax audit evidence also divided as Oral evidence and physical evidence , primitive evidence and spread the evidence , and direct evidence and indirect evidence .

  26. 就笔者个人的观点而言,在我国,非法言词证据应绝对排除,而非法实物证据原则上也应排除,同时考虑到国家安全和社会重大利益等因素,可设立若干例外情况。

    In the author 's opinion , oral evidences illegally obtained shall be excluded , and so shall physical evidences of this kind , but with certain exceptions when considering factors such as state safety and important social benefits .

  27. 本文首先通过对某些具有代表性的国家和地区有关非法实物证据排除规则的立法和司法实践进行了考察、对比,揭示了其产生、发展变化的规律和赖以生存的理论基础;

    By studying and contrasting the exclusionary rule of material evidences obtained illegally in some typical nations and districts , this paper firstly revealed the law of emergence and development of the exclusionary rule of material evidences obtained illegally and its theoretical basis .

  28. 针对中国现行立法中对于非法证据排除制度的规定过于粗略的问题,采取抽象分析的方法,从言辞证据、实物证据排除非法证据的措施等方面进行了论述。

    In view of some problems existing in the exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence 's regulations in our country 's current legislation , this paper discusses in some aspects of the remark evidence , real evidence and the measurement of the exclusive illegal evidence with the abstracted analysis method .

  29. 以实物形态存在并证明审计事项的实物证据;

    Physical evidence existing in physical form capable of providing testimony for audit items ;