
  • 网络Auditing software;RG-eLog
  1. 审计软件与会计软件一体化的探索

    Discovery of Combining the Auditing Software and the Accounting Software

  2. 这种情况可能会给金融服务公司带来麻烦,比如,他们仍然使用标准、却常常显得笨重的审计软件。

    This can be problematic for financial services companies , for example , that still use the standard and often cumbersome auditing software .

  3. 基于AutoCAD和能源网络图的能源审计软件

    Energy Audit Software Development Based on AutoCAD and Energy Network Diagram

  4. 文章在综合分析现有计算机审计软件系统基础上,指出网络环境下的计算机审计系统模型应该具有的特点要求,并依此要求提出基于移动Agent的分布式审计系统模型。

    Based on the synthetic analysis of current computer software , we discuss the features that computer audit system model should hold in the networks environment . This paper proposes a novel mobile agent-based distributed computer audit system model .

  5. 针对上述问题,文章基于移动agent技术,讨论了一个信息系统应用过程审计软件ABIAS的设计和实现。

    In response to these problems , this thesis will discuss the design and implementation of such a software , named ABIAS , in a mobile agent approach .

  6. 以实例实现所期望审计软件的部分功能;

    A real example to describe the functions of audit software ;

  7. 电算化会计系统审计软件关键技术的研究

    The Study on the Key Technology Used in Audit Software of Finance System

  8. 电镀清洁生产审计软件的研制

    Development of Audit Software for Electroplating Cleaner Production

  9. 基于数据库技术的气象审计软件的研究与应用

    Meteorological audit software based on database technique

  10. 中石化审计软件应用探讨

    Application of Sinopec Audit Software

  11. 会计师事务所房地产企业审计软件可以满足企业的相关业务需要。

    Actual use has proved that in this paper the design of real estate accounting firm audit software-related businesses to meet the needs of enterprises .

  12. 本文就审计软件的目标定位、优越性、系统功能作了基本介绍,对于审计软件的现存问题及发展前景作了初步探讨。

    This article introduces target orientation , superiority and system function of audit software and makes initial exploration on current problems and prospect of audit software .

  13. 社保联网审计软件系统作为一个以审计服务器为中心的分布式软件系统,采用数据集中式的多审计节点并行运行的审计模式。

    The Network-based Social-security Audit system is a distributed system with the server in centre , and use an audit mode of data centralized multi-node parallel audit .

  14. 文章分析了我国目前审计软件的应用现况和发展趋势以及现阶段存在的问题,并提出了解决此问题的良好方案。

    The applying actuality and development trends of auditing software at present were proposed in this paper , and a favorable precept to solve these problems was also brought out .

  15. 因此,就目前现状的会计软件还可以继续采用,而且从长远观点,会计软件和审计软件数据接口的标准化也可以得到解决。

    So the accounting software at present can be used right along , another , the problem of standard interface modules between the accounting and auditing software can also be solved in times to come .

  16. 在社会保障联网审计软件开发过程中,软件系统的可靠性始终是开发和测试工作的一项重要内容,软件的可靠性直接影响到审计人员在进行审计工作时的效率和审计结果的质量。

    In the Network-based Social-security Audit software development process , software reliability of the system is always an important component of the development work . Software reliability has a direct impact on the work efficiency of auditors and the quality of the results .

  17. 中原石油勘探局尝试利用中国石化审计软件(测试版)开展钻井系统财务收支审计,实际工作中根据需要,调用软件提供的帐务查询、财务指标计算等模块进行分析性测试。

    This software was applied to financial income and outcome ( balance ) audit in well drilling system in this Bureau , in practice , analytical tests were carried out with programs this software provided , such as accounting inquiry , financing target calculation .

  18. 第三方软件则主要审计应用软件的操作,审计粒度较粗。

    The third-party software mainly records the events of application .

  19. 另外,作为对挣值分析的补充,还介绍了如何通过项目审计对软件项目进行评价,并给出建立项目信息库所需要的主要采集指标。

    In addition , the article introduces how to appraise by project audit , and lists main data index for building project information database .

  20. 再次,对审计项目管理软件进行了架构设计。

    Thirdly , detailed design of Auditing System .

  21. 本文研究并设计了内核线程完成审计功能的软件结构,避免了以往通过内核审计模块和审计进程实现的审计系统的脆弱性,保证了审计管理的独立。

    This paper studies and designs the software architecture of the kernel audit function , and avoid the fragibility of the previous audit system implemented by the kernel audit module and the audit process , and then guarantee the independence of audit management .

  22. 摘要从分析办公资源计划系统的概念入手,介绍了工作流技术,并将其应用于审计部门应用软件的设计与开发中,提出了审计工作中审计业务及办公管理系统的一个解决方案。

    This paper starts from the definition analysis of office resource planning system , and introduces workflow technology , and applies it to design and development of application software in audit department , and presents a system solution of audit affairs and office management system in audit works .

  23. 将安全审计或其它安全软件封装成移动Agent,在需要时派遣至网络各节点中完成相应的安全任务,从而实现可定制的安全策略。

    The mobile agent encapsulated by security audit or other security packages are dispatched to the network nodes to implement corresponding security tasks , which customs the security policies .

  24. 而在审计领域,审计软件的应用尚处于起步阶段。

    Meanwhile , application of audit software is still at an early stage in the field of audit .

  25. 为降低审计风险,审计软件的使用会成为信息系统审计的主要手段。

    In order to reduce the auditing risk , the use of the auditing software will become the primary mean of information systems audit .

  26. 反射机制把客户对服务器对象的访问隔离开来,进行访问权限的检查和安全审计,防止应用软件的非法访问和操作来提高系统可靠性。

    The reflective mechanism isolates the clients from the server object to validate the permissions and auditing , thus raising the dependability of the system .

  27. 随着信息化的迅猛发展,审计业务范围不断扩大,审计软件信息技术的应用,计算机形式的审计也离我们越来越近,逐步成为今后审计的主流。

    Along with the rapid development of informatization , the expanding of audit scope of business , the application of information technology on software audit , computer form of audit also from us , gradually become closer in the mainstream of audit .

  28. 本论文按照突出实用性、强调标准化的指导思想,首先,详细研究了审计信息化建设的迫切需求和开发计算机审计软件的可行性;

    According to the guidance thinking , i.e. giving prominence to practice and emphasizing standardization , the essay , firstly , researched the urgent requirements of audit information and feasibility of computer software .

  29. 计算机辅助审计:基本思路与方法&一个基于《通用审计软件》的证券公司计算机辅助审计案例

    Computer Assistance Audit the Basic Thinking and Way & an Computer Assistance Audit Case Based on 《 General Audit Software 》 for Security Corporation

  30. 其中作者重点论述了联网审计中审计数据标准、计算机审计方法体系和审计应用软件三方面内容。

    The writer emphasizes three aspect including audit data criterion in network auditing , computer auditing method system and software system in network auditing .