
  • 网络auditor independence;independence
  1. 美国对审计独立性相关规定变更的比较及启示

    Comparison Regarding Changes of the Related Rule on Auditor Independence

  2. 审计独立性与审计质量始终是审计研究领域的核心问题。

    Auditor independence and audit quality is the core problem of audit area .

  3. 基于粗糙集理论的CPA审计独立性风险评价

    Evaluation of CPA audit independence risk based on the Rough Set Theory

  4. 基于粗糙集理论的CPA(注册会计师)审计独立性风险评价模型,旨在解决财务报表保险制度运作过程中的招投标管理问题。

    The evaluation model of the CPA audit independence risk is to solve the bid management in the process of the Financial Statement Insurance .

  5. 试论审计独立性概念框架的构建

    A Study on the Building of Conceptual Framework for Auditor Independence

  6. 第一部分是对民间审计独立性的概述。

    At first , the history of nongovernmental auditing is told .

  7. 影响审计独立性的因素分析和对策

    An Analysis of the Factors Impacting on the Independence of Audit

  8. 审计独立性缺失的原因及其预防措施分析

    Analysis of the Cause of Audit Independence Lacking and Precautionary Measure

  9. 论我国民间审计独立性的影响因素和对策

    On the Influential Factors to China 's Folk Audit and Countermeasures

  10. 国家审计独立性、权威性应进一步强化;

    Further strengthening the independence and authority of the national audit ;

  11. 我国审计独立性缺失与财务报表保险制度研究

    Research on Audit Independent Defeats and Financial Statement Insurance in China

  12. 我国民间审计独立性的经济学分析

    The Economical Analysis of the Folk Auditing Independence in China

  13. 最后提出实现审计独立性的初步构想。

    Finally it puts forward the preliminary idea of realizing audit independence .

  14. 注册会计师审计独立性丧失原因之分析

    Analysis of the Reasons of CPA Losing Independence in Audit

  15. 审计独立性与独立性风险文献的分析与回顾。

    Literature Review Analysis on the audit independence independence risk .

  16. 影响审计独立性因素及解决途径

    The Factor and Treatment Method of Affect the Audit Independence

  17. 公司治理结构对审计独立性影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on the Influence of Corporate Governance on Audit Independence

  18. 注册会计师审计独立性的研究

    A probe into the independence of the registered accountant auditing

  19. 旋转门效应、审计独立性与政府监管

    ' Revolving Door ' Effect Audit Independence and Government Supervision

  20. 试析提高社会审计独立性的对策

    Try to analyse countermeasure of improving independence of society audit

  21. 二是深入分析咨询业务是否影响审计独立性及影响力度的问题。

    The other is whether and how it influences the independence of auditing .

  22. 论影响注册会计师审计独立性的四大因素

    Four Aspects to Influence Registered Accountants Independence in Audit

  23. 剖析影响我国民间审计独立性的因素

    Anatomy factors which have influence on independence of nongovernmental audit in our country

  24. 文章分析了审计独立性及其影响因素。

    This article first analyzes the auditing independence concept and the affected factors .

  25. 会计师事务所定价折扣与审计独立性关系研究

    The Research on the Relationship between Discounting of Audit Firm and Auditing Independence

  26. 审计独立性与注册会计师监管体系&基于安然事件的思考

    Auditing Independence and Regulation System of CPA : Thoughts on the Enron Affair

  27. 审计独立性:市场选择和政府选择

    Audit Independence : Market Choice and Government Choice

  28. 法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护

    Legal Environment , Auditor Independence and Investor Protection

  29. 浅议如何加强审计独立性

    On How to Strengthen the Independence of Audit

  30. 审计独立性的影响因素及其对策思考

    Influencing factors and countermeasures consideration on Audit Independence