
  • 网络Real Effective Exchange Rate Index
  1. 美元实际有效汇率指数有一定消极影响,但程度很小。

    Moreover , the negative effect of real effective exchange rates of the US dollar on unemployment is only minimal .

  2. 进入2003年以后,由于实际有效汇率指数受美元贬值的影响急剧下降,人民币处于相对低估状态。

    After 2003 , because the real effective equilibrium exchange rate was affected by the depreciation of US dollars , RMB was underestimated .

  3. 基于制造业部门的单位劳动成本的实际有效汇率指数被认为是衡量国际竞争力的有用指标。

    Real effective exchange rate indices based on unit labor costs in the manufacturing sector have been considered as the useful indicators of international competitiveness .

  4. 文章在编制了名义有效汇率指数的基础上,再剔除物价因素的影响编制了实际有效汇率指数,物价指标选择的是各国以2005年为基期的居民消费价格指数。

    At the base of having established nominal effective exchange rate index , the article also constructed real effective exchange rate indices , which had excluded the impact of price . Consumer price index was selected .

  5. 汇率改革政策执行之后,不仅人民币兑美元汇率一路上扬,而且实际有效汇率指数在近年来持续攀升,多次创下汇率改革以来的新高。

    After the implement of exchange rate reformation , not only the exchange rate between the RMB Yuan and US dollar continued to rise , but also the real effective exchange rate has kept going up and hit new peak several times .