
  • 网络关键字广告;广告词;关键词广告;广告服务
  1. She also reflected on the early days of Adwords .


  2. Google provides full online reporting for the Google AdWords program .


  3. The PPD solution operates on a bidding system much like Google 's AdWords does .


  4. Google Adwords Keyword Planner helps you answer this question .


  5. The company has several thousand Adwords partners who advertise both in China and on other Google domains .


  6. AdWords and Adsense were also innovations that , while less visible to consumers , had a significant impact .


  7. Sites like Google AdWords , which is the administrative interface for the Google advertising platform , give about a week 's notice .


  8. How is an Adwords account structured ?


  9. Submit specific questions for Adwords or adsense .


  10. The global policy change to its AdWords program will start on July 13 , according to a statement from Google ( GOOG ) .


  11. In other words , Facebook has yet to find its Adwords , the search advertising engine that mints billions for Google every year .


  12. In response to advertisers'call for more openness about its click fraud detection methods , Google will begin sharing invalid clicks data with AdWords advertisers .


  13. The word " Adwords " may give some ' treps pause , as it sounds like you will have to purchase advertising .


  14. Use the Adwords Keyword Planner to see what keywords are generating the most search volume in your niche and identify opportunities to capture traffic .


  15. Combine that with data mining analysis on your AdWords , and you can quickly find the best route for getting customers to your site , and converting them into sales .


  16. Not true . Google has made its Keyword Planner tool available to anyone with a Google account ( you must first click through the Adwords entry portal ) .


  17. Also interesting is that a Go Daddy is a heavy Google AdWords user , and so the first result for the " God " query is a sponsored link for Go Daddy .


  18. You can simply set the same maximum CPC for all your keywords , knowing that the Adwords discounter will charge you the lowest CPC you can be charged while still maintaining your position for each keyword .


  19. Some advertisers may have the option for billing based on credit terms and monthly invoicing . typically , these advertisers will have an established credit history of at least three months with the Google AdWords program and be in good standing .


  20. I immediately give preference to candidates who are ninjas in : Photoshop , HTML / CSS , iOS , WordPress , Adwords , MySQL , Balsamiq , advanced Excel , Final Cut Pro - regardless of their job position .
