
  • 网络Alpha Testing
  1. 我自己的基于三元模型的分类工具仍处于早期alpha测试或原型级别。

    My own trigram-based categorization tools are still at an early alpha or prototype level .

  2. 包含alpha测试比较功能的。

    That contains the alpha-test comparison capabilities .

  3. 随着jBPM过程虚拟机(ProcessVirtualMachine)最近alpha测试版的发布,JBoss距离实现一个支持多定义语言的过程执行语言的目标又进了一步。

    With the latest alpha release of the jBPM Process Virtual Machine , JBoss moves closer to realizing the vision of a process execution engine that supports multiple definition languages .

  4. 根据为下一阶段计划的alpha和beta测试的次数不同,原型的完成程度可以是不同的。

    The prototype may be at different levels of completion depending on the number of alpha and beta reviews planned for the next stage .

  5. 我理解了发布说明和准确文档的重要性,以及如何管理alpha和beta测试。

    I learned the importance of release notes and accurate documentation , how to manage alpha and beta testing , even how to cut release tapes .