- n.人形机器人
- android的复数

Don 't you hate it when a nice meal with friends is constantly interrupted by beeping iPhones and Androids ?
We can only guess at the content & do sleep dream of electric androids ?
If I have any androids left outside command , I can 't contact them .
Rim ( RIMM ) devices come next , followed by androids .
It isn 't responding to my instructions like the other androids .
Samsung has been leading the charge of the Androids .
Some places , they worship androids , and some places they melt them down .
True , there are as yet no killer androids rampaging across the battlefield .
The company said it planned to develop 1000 more androids in 2017 . By 2020 , it hopes to make 10000 a year .
Dispatching all available androids to outer decks .
Perhaps there is some vast underground dormitory somewhere , all steel and sparks and dormant androids .
Androids and liberal sympathizers flooded the streets at the nation 's capital today in protest of the sentencing
For instance , I recently heard that over 50 percent of smartphone sales are Androids and only 33 percent are iPhones .
Palm devices have wonderful gestural support whereas Androids have physical buttons for main interactions whereas iPhones use virtual buttons for everything short of power and volume .
A society of smart , undetectable androids in our midst may seem alarming , but for now we 'll still be the ones in charge .
Basketball is not the only sport robots have mastered , with engineers designing androids that can ski , play football and boxing in recent years .
Ms. Junco - if you can use an honorific for a machine - joins an incipient group of androids springing up around Japan .
She and four other androids cost ¥ 10 million ( about $ 93000 ) to produce , but only Ms. Junco - Chihira ? -
Today she is a social roboticist , bringing together a background in computer science with an interest in the arts and social sciences to develop futurist androids that interact with people .
But despite rapid advances in machine learning , visual and voice recognition , neural network processing - all the elements that are now transforming the potential of artificial intelligence - androids are not with us .
You see , Mareep is based on the short story ( which would later inspire Blade Runner ) by Philip K. Dick , " Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ? . "
Character locating and recognition is a kind of intelligent technology which must be solved . It is not only be applied in driving robots and auto-moving androids , but has lots of potential application values .
In the 2013 shot , a sea of screens iPhones , iPads , Androids rise up above the heads of onlookers , offering a powerful permanent form of witness .
Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro , a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in western Japan , whose androids come with a £ 776000 price tag .
A theme park in Japan is preparing to open a " Kingdom of the Robot " land run by more than 200 androids who will cook , bartend , serve and bus tables for visitors .
The two Chicago businessmen , spend $ 1000a day to stay at westworld , one of three amusement parks that feature remarkably life-like androids and realistic settings ; the others are Romanworld and medievalworld .
He suggests that we view androids not as our competitors but as our progeny - or " mind children , " as robotics expert Hans Moravec , who believes they will be their own species , calls them .