
美 [ˈtwɪtərɪŋ]英 [ˈtwɪtərɪŋ]
  • v.(鸟)唧啾,吱喳,啁啾;唧唧喳喳地说话
  • n.呢喃
  • twitter的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB (鸟)吱喳,唧啾
    When birds twitter, they make a lot of short high-pitched sounds.

    There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees.


  • 2
    VERB 嘁嘁喳喳地说
    If you say that someone is twittering about something, you mean that they are speaking about silly or unimportant things, usually rather fast or in a high-pitched voice.

    ...debutantes twittering excitedly about Christian Dior dresses...


  1. The twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures .


  2. Nothing can be compared , he maintains , with the first cockcrow , the twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures .


  3. There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees .


  4. Birds twitter .


  5. Sparrows are twittering outside .


  6. The more people are on their phones , the fewer people are talking until finally you are the only one left not reading email or checking Twitter .


  7. Online services like Facebook , Twitter and the like , are called out of manipula-tion — making products so good that people can 't stop using them .


  8. More than that , Apple - and , in different ways , other tech companies , including Google , Facebook , Twitter and Microsoft - have made their opposition to the government 's claims a point of corporate pride .


  9. His medical centre also has a Facebook page , a MySPace page and a Twitter feed .


  10. Follow Suzzane on FACEBOOK and TWITTER .


  11. Social Media like Facebook and Twitter have provided a space for slacktivism to exist .


  12. It has become a popular Twitter hashtag .


  13. Other tech giants such as Microsoft and Twitter have also indicated staff could stay remote – even after lockdowns ease .


  14. But you can also find it in video games , on Twitter , and in ads for heart-healthy food .


  15. A few Twitter users had posted videos of the animal yawning , falling asleep and basically just doing cat things .


  16. They limit their online activities . They avoid habits like changing their profile3 picture daily and putting every thought they have on Twitter / Weibo .


  17. The birds were hopping about on their perches and twittering .


  18. We have " personality spamming " when someone is simply too voluble about themselves — too many Twitter updates celebrating their activities .


  19. With today 's social media -- especially sites with lots of interactivity1 and immediate2 feedback such as Twitter -- you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing .


  20. The phenomenon -- dubbed a ' digital hangover ' -- has increased thanks to the popularity of Facebook , Twitter and the spread of smartphones .


  21. Some companies don 't care about employee 's posting on Facebook , Twitter , or other social media sites during working hours . Others have policies that prohibit it .


  22. Some people 's Twitter is filled with updates about what they are doing , what they have for lunch , and they are late for work because they cannot get a taxi , etc.


  23. US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media " handles " or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook .


  24. Celebrities1 have been taking to Twitter , Facebook and Instagram in their droves to take part in the new Wake Up Call campaign , which is being dubbed2 the new Ice Bucket challenge .


  25. Collins English Dictionary held a Twitter contest to determine a new word being added to its dictionary , and the " New Girl " Season 1 poster tagline was the one to make the cut .


  26. The report caught traction on Twitter , and at one point on Saturday , Prince William 's name was trending on the platform , along with complaints that Stanley Tucci didn 't make the cut .


  27. Nothing can be compared , he maintains , with the first cock crow , the twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures .


  28. The \# REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning , just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 2.5 million signatures . The total now stands at 3 million .


  29. To access the library , use the command import twitter .


  30. An unrelated event helped me understand Twitter 's real value .
