
  • 网络Horizontal Restrictions
  1. 卡特尔或横向限制竞争行为,是指两个或者两个以上具有竞争关系的市场主体,通过某种方式合意共同实施的限制竞争的行为。

    Cartel or horizontal restrict competition , refers that two or over two market bodies of the competitive relation jointly perform the restrictive competition in the way of collusion .

  2. 目前,我国法学界对横向限制竞争行为研究颇多,但对纵向限制竞争行为的研究则明显不足,我国竞争法对纵向限制竞争行为的规定也几乎是空白。

    Although a lot of research about horizontal restrictive competition behavior has been carried out in China , there is a clear shortage of research about vertical restrictive competition behavior , and the regulation of competition law in this aspect is almost blank .