
  • 网络horizontal collaboration
  1. 包括产业链的延伸、产业簇群的培育,城市化水平的提高,政府之间纵向与横向协作。

    Including the extension of industrial chain , the cultivation of industrial cluster , the level of urbanization , the vertical and horizontal collaboration between governments .

  2. 通过上述改革和完善的措施能真正形成纵向指挥有力、横向协作紧密、运转高效有序的职务犯罪侦查一体化机制,充分发挥其最大效能,全面提升检察机关惩处职务犯罪的职能作用。

    Through these reforms and measures can really form a strong vertical conductor , transverse collaborate , efficient and orderly operation the Crimes Investigation integration mechanism , give full play to their maximum effectiveness , to enhance the functional role of procuratorial organs to punish the crimes committed .

  3. 整体政府理论倡导整体性的政府管理、横向纵向协作的管理和多方主体的协作与参与。

    The Whole of Government theory promotes the holistic governance , horizontal and longitudinal collaboration , multi-parts attendance and cooperation .