
  • 网络mission critical;mission-critical;Critical Task;key mission
  1. 但是,这并不妨碍人们去构建大型的关键任务的系统,例如CargillLynx项目。

    However this did not stop people from building very large , mission critical , systems-like the Cargill Lynx Project .

  2. 作为百通的一个独立业务单元,BSI将继续其成功和成长,为我们向关键任务网络解决方案提供安全通讯的愿景作出贡献。

    As an independent business entity within Belden , BSI will continue its growth and success and contribute to our vision of delivering secure communications to mission critical networking solutions .

  3. 关键任务是要实现经济在微观层面的自由运转。

    The vital task was to allow the economy to operate freely at a micro level .

  4. 关键任务是让学生们自己认识到成功和努力之间的关系。

    A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort

  5. 用Java编制关键任务应用(1)

    Building Mission-Critical Applications in Java ( 1 )

  6. JavaObjectSerialization规范可以自动管理的关键任务是

    The critical things that the Java Object Serialization specification can manage automatically are

  7. IBMRationalDeveloperforSystemiforSOAConstruction可以将关键任务的应用程序作为服务进行更新和扩展,从而以新的方式应用它们的核心价值。

    IBM Rational Developer for System I for SOA Construction can help companies update and extend mission-critical applications as services , thereby applying their core values in new ways .

  8. UNIX系统要依赖这些目录的内容执行关键任务,包括挂装其他卷。

    UNIX relies on the contents of these directories to perform critical tasks , including mounting other volumes .

  9. 大规模的SOA环境相对较少,并且几乎没有公司在关键任务应用中使用BPEL引擎。

    SOA landscapes of significant size are relatively rare and almost no company uses BPEL engines in mission-critical applications .

  10. IBMsolidDB是一种内存中关系数据库,专为那些实时的、关键任务应用程序设计。

    IBM solidDB is a relational , in-memory database designed for such real-time , mission-critical applications .

  11. 带客户修订的关键任务支持:对于PremiumPlus客户,可以在支付一些额外费用之后获得包括必要的修正在内的最新的客户修订。

    Mission-critical support with custom revisions : A new custom revision including a needed fix is available to Premium Plus customers at an extra cost .

  12. 举例来说,您的组织已经购买、安装,并运行分布式结构的关键任务的CRM系统。

    For example , your organization has purchased , installed , and is running a mission-critical CRM system that has a distributed architecture .

  13. 在技术上,本文通过负载均衡技术、隔离关键任务和使用队列技术来实现可伸缩性与高可用性;通过WEBService技术和专门的接口程序来提供对异构系统的支持。

    Technically , the thesis adopts load balancing technology , isolating key missions and formation technology to realize scalability and high usability . It provides support to heterogeneous system through web service technology and special interface program .

  14. 网络负载平衡提高了诸如Web服务器、FTP服务器和其他关键任务服务器上的服务程序的可用性和可伸缩性。

    Network loading balance enhances the usability and scalability of service programes running on Web server , FTP server , other key task server and so on .

  15. 如此急剧的进步使得SSD成为性能敏感或关键任务数据库应用程序的首选。

    These dramatic improvements have made SSDs prime candidates for use in performance-sensitive or mission-critical database applications .

  16. 对于数据库管理员(DBA),性能监视和调优可能是最有挑战性的业务关键任务。

    As a database administrator ( DBA ), performance monitoring and tuning can be your most challenging business-critical task .

  17. 跨层路由的路由,从而提供对CR路由解决方案,在利用频谱的机会是关键任务的联合频谱的关键。

    Cross layer routing is the key for joint spectrum routing that in turn provides the solution for CR routing in which exploiting the spectrum opportunity is the critical task .

  18. 这些抱怨不仅反映了大多数运行AIX的用户所碰到的真实情况,例如,像Oracle这样的关键任务型数据库应用程序。

    The complaints have not just reflected the reality of what most users run on top of AIX , for example , mission-critical database applications like Oracle .

  19. 论文介绍了一种基于数字签名和数字信封技术的证书申请和发放机制,该机制尤其适合离线式发放CA证书或关键任务端实体证书。

    This article introduces a scheme of certificates application and issuance using techniques of digital signature and digital envelope . The scheme introduced is suitable to off-line issuance of CA certificates or crucial end-entity certificates .

  20. 这个解决方案易于扩展,RAID支持多层次,和I/O吞吐量大的系统必不可少的,关键任务服务器。

    This solution delivers easy extensibility , support for multiple levels of RAID , and the I / O throughput essential for large , mission-critical server systems .

  21. 另一想法是,在现有资源条件下,保证一些关键任务应用的传输,即为这些应用保留一部分资源,这就是网络服务质量保证技术(QoS)的设计思想。

    Another opinion is , under existing resource condition guarantee some transmission of crucial task application , retain a part of resource for these applications , this is network service quality guarantee technology ( QoS ) design thought .

  22. 接管(Takeover)配置:一种更高级的配置,在这种配置中,所有节点都执行同类任务,在某个节点出现故障时,关键任务可以被接管。

    Takeover configuration : A more advanced configuration in which all nodes perform some kind of work , and critical work can be taken over in the event of a node failure .

  23. 创建、部署和管理虚拟应用程序和数据库是云计算中的一项关键任务,WorkloadDeployer是一个开箱即用的解决方案,可以使您轻松完成任务。

    Creating , deploying , and managing virtual applications and databases is an essential task in cloud computing and Workload Deployer is a turnkey solution that lets you do this quite easily .

  24. 该算法克服了已有调度算法不能保证对动态关键任务进行最早调度这一缺点,优于现有BNP调度算法。

    This algorithm overcomes the shortcoming of the previously proposed algorithms : they can not guarantee the early schedules for dynamic critical tasks , better than the previously proposed BNP scheduling algorithms .

  25. 许多大型搜索引擎网站,或组织的关键任务计算基础设施上部署和使用,并在他们的计算机系统上运行FreeBSD多年。

    Many large web search engines and organisations with mission-critical computing infrastructures have deployed and used FreeBSD on their computer systems for years .

  26. 应该使用监视器(插件)扩展Watchit工具,以囊括利用必要产品工具包的的组织关键任务。

    Extending the Watchit tool with monitors ( plug-ins ) should be done to cover organizational critical tasks utilizing the necessary product toolkits .

  27. 通过EFD,磁盘驱动器技术不再是限制关键任务存储环境的性能极限的原因了。

    With EFDs , magnetic disk drive technology no longer defines the performance boundaries for mission-critical storage environments .

  28. 整合现有土地信息资源,实现土地信息的交换与共享是当前国土资源数据交换中心(clearinghouse)建设的关键任务。

    In order to integrate existing land information and realize land information exchange and sharing , the key task at present is to build land & resources clearinghouse .

  29. 俄罗斯设计团队FPI表示,费多尔的关键任务将是“协助建设和使用月球以及其他潜在行星上的基地”。

    A key task for Fedor will be to ' assist in construction and use of bases ' on the moon and potentially other planets , said its Russian designers FPI .

  30. OV-5阐明了与完成运作企业环境中的关键任务目标有关的角色、责任,和执行顺序。

    The OV-5 clarifies roles , responsibilities , and order of execution with respect to accomplishing key mission objectives in the context of the operational enterprise .