
  • 网络kri;key risk indicator
  1. 然后从证券公司建立操作风险管理体系的目标出发,建立了完整的操作风险管理框架,详细分析并应用了操作风险管理的损失数据收集、关键风险指标、风险与控制的自我评估等三大工具。

    With the objective of building operational risk management system , the second step of this paper present a complete op risk management framework by using three important tools ( operational risk loss data collection , key risk indicator , self assessment ) .

  2. 监控与关键的风险指标(KRI)和管理活动,以协助有关利益相关者,在他们的决策过程。

    Monitor and communicate key risk indicators ( KRI ) and management activities to assist relevant stakeholders in their decision-making process .

  3. 收集和验证数据KRI关键的风险指标(措施)来监控与他们的地位有关利益相关者的需要。

    Collect and validate data that measures key risk indicators ( KRI ) to monitor and communicate their status to relevant stakeholders .

  4. 投资者如今已懂得,薪酬惯例是一项关键的风险指标,与盈利数字相比,它不那么容易被粉饰。

    Investors now understand that pay practices are a key indicator of risk , and one less susceptible to massage than profit figures .

  5. 最后在风险应对层次上,根据该项目总体分析与评价的结果,提出了应对策略,并且要突出处理好关键性风险因素指标对项目实施的影响。

    Finally , in response to the level of risk , according to the overall project analysis and evaluation of results , the coping strategies , and to highlight handle the key risk factors handle the indices of the impact of project implementation .