
  • 网络Critical path method;CPM;critical path method, CPM;CPM Critical Path Method
  1. 本文的研究是对挣值法理论的深化,研究内容是项目管理中两个重要的管理工具的集成,即关键路径法和挣值法的集成。

    The research purpose of this thesis is to deepen the theory of Earned Value method . The content is to integrate two important management tools in project management . That is CPM and Earned Value method .

  2. 然后,结合设计企业经常接触的项目管理的理论,结合某设计企业,讨论了项目进度计划关键路径法(CPM)及资源分配管理方法&优先日程图示法(PDM)。

    Thirdly , according to Project Management theory , it discussed Critical Path Method ( CPM ) and Precedence Diagramming Method ( PDM ) in the light of a designing enterprise .

  3. 上世纪50年代末出现的计划评审法(PERT)和关键路径法(CPM)已经被证明是项目管理非常有效的工具。

    It has been proved that the CPM / PERT methods arisen in the 1950s are very effective tools for project management .

  4. 通过使用CPM关键路径法,对项目时间的预排和项目活动工期的估算,具体如何对于项目进度进行控制,保证项目如期完成。

    CPM critical path by using the method , the pre-project time schedule and estimated duration of project activities , specifically , how to control the project schedule to ensure timely completion of the project .

  5. 采用WBS(工作分解结构表)、关键路径法(CPM)、施工进度甘特图等工具方法,对加油站信息化建设项目化管理进行了评估及衡量,提出了项目实施的注意事项。

    It uses the WBS ( work breakdown structure table ), critical path method ( CPM ), construction progress Gantt charts and other tools , on the petrol station information construction project management to assess and evaluate the project implementation considerations .

  6. 运用工程分解法、关键路径法等理论,提出解决生产设计信息向生产管理信息转换的方法,搭建了以SPAR系统为核心的设计、生产、管理一体化平台。

    By using work breakdown structure and the critical path method , the paper proposes the conversion method from production design information to production management information , building integration platform of production , design and management taking SPAR system as the core .

  7. 将关键路径法具体应用于机械制造业,结合CAD/CAM技术,建立以机床为结点按工序流分配任务的AOE网络模型。

    Apply critical path method to manufacturing , combine with CAD / CAM technology , the AOE net model is established in which take machine as node and assign task to machine according to process flow .

  8. 关键路径法在胶带胶结工艺改进中的应用

    Application of the critical path method in improving conveyor belt sulphuration

  9. 网络计划技术及关键路径法在电厂工程中的应用

    Application of Net Planning Technology and Key Route Method in Power Plant Project

  10. 基于资源约束的扩张关键路径法研究

    Research of A Step-by-Step CPM Base on Resource-Constrained

  11. 其次运用工作分解结构、关键路径法等工具和方法编制本项目的进度计划。

    Secondly , work breakdown structure , critical path method , tool and method for the preparation of the project schedule .

  12. 对虚拟单产品柔性调度问题提出一种基于拟关键路径法的集成式算法,实现同时解决复杂多产品柔性调度问题的工序优化分配与工序优化调度两个子问题。

    Aiming at the virtual single-product flexible scheduling problem , an integrated algorithm based on the allied critical path method is proposed .

  13. 为了加强对进度计划的控制,本文还研究了关键路径法与挣值法的集成应用。

    This research also proposes an integrated technique that includes critical path method and the earned value ( EV ) approach to project management .

  14. 在介绍传统的调度方法的基础上,引进了关键路径法在自动生产调度上的运用,并介绍了关键路径法中的网络优化方法。

    The paper introduces the traditional scheduling method , discusses the application of CPM on automatic production scheduling and introduces the network optimization method in CPM .

  15. 采用最常用的数学分析方法甘特图法、关键路径法、计划评审技术来编制进度计划。

    Gantt chart method , using the most commonly used methods of mathematical analysis , critical path method , program evaluation and review technique to prepare schedule .

  16. 当工程网络计划中活动持续时间为已知的确定值时,关键路径法被证明为是一个网络计划的有效方法。

    When the durations of activities in a planning network are precisely known , Critical Path Method has been proved to be a effective method to make planning .

  17. 将图论中的网络流和统筹图融入安全监管体系,运用关键路径法对安全生产计划监察方案进行了优化研究。

    Network flow and network graph are merged into safety supervision and management system , and critical path method is used to optimize supervision scheme of safety production program .

  18. 如何在项目计划上有效控制项目进度,最常见的是计划评审技术和关键路径法。

    It is a common to effectively control progress of the project in the Program Evaluation and Review Technique ( PERT ) and critical path method ( CPM ) .

  19. 关键路径法是研究项目进度安排的最有代表性的方法,在大量复杂而重复的信息下,只有抓住关键因素才能给决策者带来实质性的帮助。

    Under a large number of complex and repetitive information , it is as long as to seize key factor for the decision-makers in order to bring about substantive help .

  20. 利用关键路径法,通过在多个活动中合理分配资源来使整个过程的时间、成本和质量达到折衷。

    Based on Critical Path Method ( CPM ), the trade-off among time , cost and quality of a process was achieved by appropriate distribution of resources among the activities of the process .

  21. 同时提出关键路径法控制子任务分配,优化产品设计周期。

    The key path method is also presented to control and optimize the deployment of subtasks and period of design , which can inspect whether the task is reasonably distributed into subtasks or not .

  22. 通过运用关键路径法和绘制网络图对过程模型中活动进度安排进行分析,并且以时间-成本为目标对过程模型进行优化。

    Through the use of critical path method and the process of mapping network model , analyse the progress of activities , optimize the process model for the goal of the cost and time .

  23. 结合成本预警与关键路径法,本文亟待研究三个问题:一是,项目成本管理者如何结合关键路径构建全面系统的施工单位成本预警体系。

    Combining with the critical path method cost warning , this paper found three difficulties of the company : First , how to combine the critical path into building an overall system construction unit cost pre-warning system .

  24. 运用网络计划技术、关键路径法等方法编制了进度计划,进行了工期优化,编制出了项目的进度计划方案,以便指导项目的实施,保证项目按时完成。

    With the use of network schedule and critical paths methods , workers optimize the time limit and draw up the schedule plan of the project to guide the implementation of the project and ensure the established time .

  25. 针对工作流模型的结构特点,建立了一种关键路径分析法,增加了对工作流常见结构的支持。

    To meet the requirement of evaluation and optimization of the workflow model , a critical path method was proposed to support three common structures .

  26. 关键路径新求法

    A New Method of Finding the Key Path

  27. 模糊关键路径的近似法

    Fuzzy Critical Path Approximation Method

  28. 本文提出了一种带关键路径的挣值法评价方法,在比较分析BCWP与BCWS的同时对关键路径上的BCWP与BCWS作比较,以便更准确地把握项目进度情况。

    It 's brought forward an EVM evaluation method with critical path to hold the project progress well through comparing with BCWP and BCWS also with BCWP CP and BCWS CP in critical path at the same time .

  29. 关键链法是继关键路径法和计划评审技术之后在项目管理领域近年来的一个重要发展。

    Critical chain method is the critical path method and program evaluation and review technique in the field of project management in recent years as an important development .