
  • 网络Gantt Chart;gantt;GANT;Gant Chart
  1. N(Z)的和图.基于工作分类的甘特图

    Gantt Chart Based on Activity Classification

  2. excel不包含内置的甘特图格式,不过您可以通过自定义堆积条形图类型在excel中创建甘特图。

    Excel does not contain a built-in Gantt chart format ; however , you can create a Gantt chart in excel by customizing the stacked bar chart type .

  3. 使用Microsoftproject软件编制工程项目甘特图,制定了详细的施工组织计划。

    Gantt chart is draw by Microsoft Project software to make a detailed construction plans .

  4. 针对Jobshop调度问题,提出基于多Agent的车间调度模型,实现调度甘特图的自动生成。

    To solve the problem of Job-Shop scheduling , a scheduling framework based on multi-agent system was developed , which can create scheduling Gantt Chart automatically .

  5. Net技术实现了项目管理中的WEBService,重点研究并实现了进度管理中的任务分解、甘特图显示、基于甘特图交互的任务拖动、缩拉和拆分算法。

    Based on the web service implementation of project management using Microsoft 's . Net , it studies and implements the algorithms for work breakdown , gunter chart display , task moving , task pulling and task splitting based on the gunter chart .

  6. 提出了一类考虑工序相关性的Jobshop调度问题,对工序相关性从代数描述、甘特图表示和类型转换等方面进行了较为系统的数学描述;

    It proposes a job shop scheduling problem with process relativity , defines the concept of process relativity . Then the mathematical description of operation relativity is given systematically from algebraic specification , Gantt chart expression and type conversion .

  7. 提出了一种基于JSP技术的项目甘特图绘制方法。该法适用于B/S模式,可广泛应用于Web的工程项目管理信息系统开发。

    This paper proposes a method for drawing Gantt chart based on JSP technology , which is suitable for B / S mode and used widely in the development of engineering project management information system based on web .

  8. 在项目进度管理方面,本文主要运用WBS、网络图、甘特图等方法介绍项目进度管理的过程和结果。

    Regarding the schedule management , this assay adopts WBS , Networking chart , Gantt chart and other methods to introduce the process and result of project schedule management .

  9. 另外,本可行性研究报告利用Micro-softProject2000制定了项目实施甘特图。

    In addition , this feasibility research report made a Gantt chart about the project actualizing using Micro-soft Project-2000 .

  10. 采用WBS(工作分解结构表)、关键路径法(CPM)、施工进度甘特图等工具方法,对加油站信息化建设项目化管理进行了评估及衡量,提出了项目实施的注意事项。

    It uses the WBS ( work breakdown structure table ), critical path method ( CPM ), construction progress Gantt charts and other tools , on the petrol station information construction project management to assess and evaluate the project implementation considerations .

  11. 然后,针对求解方案中多AGV路径规划时可能出现的冲突问题,提出了借助类似于甘特图的逻辑思想,解决了路段冲突和路段交叉问题。

    Secondly , to resolve the conflicts appeared on the multi-AGV path in the scheme we have got , we put forward the logical thinking which is similar to the Gantt chart , aiming at solving the problem of conflicts and road-cross section .

  12. 在此基础上,对进度图形生成算法进行研究,设计出SVG格式甘特图的生成算法,并运用JavaScript语言在客户端实现算法,以充分地利用客户端浏览器的处理能力。

    On these basis , the generation algorithms of progress graphics is studied , and the generation algorithm of Gantt chart in SVG format is designed and implemented with JavaScript language on the client side to make full use of the processing power of the browser of the client-side .

  13. 本文采用了WBS和甘特图等计划工具,对改版项目的任务进行了分解,对具体任务进行了责任分配以达到权责相符,对计划的结果进行了合理的优化。

    The paper uses the WBS and Gantt Chart planning tool to decompose the task of revised project , carried out specific tasks on the allocation of responsibilities to achieve the rights and responsibilities in line with the results of a reasonable optimization .

  14. 此外,改造了开源软件GanttProject,使其满足系统中任务和资源管理的需要,并实现了任务甘特图和资源的柱状图的展示。

    In addition , improve the open-source software GanttProject ; make it meet with the needs of tasks and resources management , and achieve to display the task Gantt and histogram of resources .

  15. 此操作要求甘特图解决方案处于活动状态。

    This operation requires the Gantt Chart solution to be active .

  16. 在活动页上没有甘特图形状。

    No Gantt chart shapes are present on the active page .

  17. 请输入所选甘特图的新名称。

    Type the new name for the selected Gantt chart .

  18. 甘特图在输变电工程启动中的运用

    Application of Gantt Chart in Start of Power Transmission and Transformer Project

  19. 图2:基于架构设计中重要元素之间依赖性的甘特图

    Figure 2 : Gantt chart based on dependencies between architecturally significant elements

  20. 流程导致憎恶(还有会议,还有甘特图)

    Process leads to Hate ( and meetings , and Gantt charts )

  21. 单击此处可接受所选甘特图的新名称。

    Click to accept the new name of the selected Gantt Chart .

  22. 采用甘特图的方法对进度计划经行管理。

    Using the method of Gantt chart to schedule the line management .

  23. 请选定选项,指定代表关键任务的甘特图条形样式。

    Select style options for Gantt bars representing critical tasks .

  24. 基于工作分类的甘特图一种新格式的教学进度表

    Gantt Chart Based on Activity Classification A New Teaching Schedule

  25. 传统的项目管理方法,一般采用甘特图等示意图来进行表示进度。

    Traditionally people express schedule with Gantt Chart , etc.

  26. 用甘特图进行项目的进度安排,提出了实施计划方案;

    Applying Gantt Charts on project scheduling , implementation plan is put forward .

  27. 在“甘特图”视图中,单击“插入”菜单中的“对象”。

    In the Gantt chart view , click object on the insert menu .

  28. 指定此视图的甘特图格式。

    Specify the Gantt chart format for this view .

  29. 单击此处可以甘特图格式显示工作分配。

    Click to show assignments in Gantt chart format .

  30. 甘特图是工程项目进行工期计划和控制的有效工具。

    Gantt chart is an effective tool for planning and controlling project schedule .