
  • 网络gambier islands;The Gambier Archipelago;Archipel des Gambier;les Gambier
  1. 群岛的面积共三百七十平方里,由约莫六十个小群岛组成,在这些小群岛中间,我看到了法国占领的作为它的保护地的甘比尔群岛。

    This island group covers a surface area of 370 square leagues , and it 's made up of some sixty subgroups , among which we noted the Gambier group , which is a French protectorate .

  2. 皮特凯恩岛,是孤悬在太平洋中南部的小岛,其近邻分别是西边的甘比尔群岛和塔希提岛,虽然说是距离最近的,但是也相距700多英里。

    Pitcairn Island is a tiny speck of land located nearly dead in the center of the southern Pacific Ocean . Its closest neighbors are the Gambier Islands and Tahiti to the West , but even these are several hundred miles away .